Jason “Psycho” Suttie punches Peter Sampson in the gut on the way to a loss at K1 Oceania Round 3 at Trusts Stadium, Auckland, NZ on November 18th 2006.
We took our first trip in the van last night, to a suburb of Auckland to go to our first ever K1 kickboxing and mixed marshall arts event. The Oceania division of K1 features fighters from Australia, New Zealand, and other South Pacific nations. There were eight fights in all, most pitting an Australian representative versus a New Zealand representative. The crowd was excited as the Kiwis took most of the fights, including the main event.
Today we purchased a 1990 Toyota Lite Ace. We had been looking for a van for quite a while, and finally found some friends of a friend who were selling theirs. It is just what we were looking for, and comes complete with a sound system, a fold down bed in the back, curtains, and lots of camping gear. Her name is Zeelandia and she has driven 260,000km through New Zealand.
A 1990 van with over two-hundred-thousand kilometers may sound old to you, but in the world of backpacker vans (the market we were looking in) this van is actually quite new and in very good shape. Now that we have a van, we can begin to explore the North Island outside of Auckland. There are lots of campgrounds and holliday parks around New Zealand where we can park and set up camp.
This is a short video made by Will Wallace, some guy from Auckland. The video shows him running through the city. Watch and you can get an idea of the places we see here every day as we walk around.
I recognize lots of the places in the video, and most are within a few blocks of our apartment. At time 1:07-1:14 of the video, he is inbetween our apartment building and another building (the one that houses the internet cafes). The area is a small stone courtyard with fountains and stairs.
Without much to do on a Sunday afternoon, we decided to grab some lunch and head to Western Park. The sculptures in the photograph are modeled after three buildings that used to stand in Auckland. They frame the entrance to Western Park on Ponsonby Road. This is near the Brown Kiwi, where we stayed our first weeks in Auckland.
Western Park is one of the oldest parks in Auckland. It was built in the 1870’s, and is shaped like a coffin. Click here for more info.
After lunch, Beth tried to identify trees with the help of her Nature Guide to the New Zealand Forrest. Unfortunately, the trees in the park were mostly imported from Brittain and not found in the native field guide. We did locate a rather large zip line in the park. We swung down that a few times, and then some kids asked me what country I was from. They then asked if I was a gangster. I must look rather intimidating in my collared shirt and tortoise shelled spectacles.
While visiting the Auckland Museum, we watched a Maori group perform many traditional dances including the war dance, or Haka, shown above.
Haka is a dance traditionally performed by Maori (New Zealand natives of Polynesian descent) wariors before a battle, intended to intimidate the enemy. While performing Haka, Maori wariors stick out their tongues, dilate and contract their eyes so they appear to bulge with white, stomp, slap their chests, and chant.
Haka is also performed by the New Zealand national rugby team, the All Blacks, before matches.
After the show, we explored the museum. It is huge, and I only had time for the first floor (Maori Court) dedicated to Maori history and culture. A large part of Maori Court is filled with carvings that resemble what we would call totem poles, but with distinctively Maori designs. Most feature faces sticking their tongues out. There were also large collections of Maori tools, clothing, jewelry, and weapons as well as an exhibit showing similar items from different polynesian islands. The Polynesian people spread from southeast Asia through Melenasia (New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, etc.) and then to Polynesia (Somoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, French Polynesia/Tahiti, Marshal Islands, Easter Island, New Zealand, etc). New Zealand was one of the last stops, believed to be populated around 1000AD.