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Bondi Beach

Sunday, 30 December 2007 : Filed under: New South Wales E-Mail This Article

Bondi Beach
Soaking up the December sun at Bondi Beach – Sydney, Australia


Comment by josh — December 30, 2007 @ 1:16 pm

What better way to spend a day between Christmas and New Years than at the beach! This is Bondi Beach, a nice Sydney beach, just a couple of miles from the city center. As you can tell it is a popular destination. It felt great to get in the water and cool off after a day in the hot Australian sun.

If you’re wondering about my arrival to Sydney, check out a comment I posted on my last post here: It turns out Sydney is probably the most popular New Years destination in the southern hemisphere, at least on this side of the globe. It’s akin to to New York for people on this side of the world, although I have been to NYC for New Years (2000) and it is MUCH nicer to be here in the sun than there in the dark and freezing cold :) . Anyways the city is completely slammed full of people. I tried to find a place to stay about a month ago, and had no luck. Everywhere was fully booked, even with holiday rates charging three times normal prices.

I lucked out though. At my work’s Christmas party in Melbourne, I was talking to boss’s wife and was telling her how tough it was to find a room. She says my boss Simon has a brother in Sydney, and within a few minutes he was on the phone and I had a place to stay. He isn’t even around, so I am sleeping in his room just a few blocks from the city. If not for that I migh be sleeping in the park :) .

Comment by dadman — December 30, 2007 @ 2:57 pm

Looks great! I can almost feel it from here. What else are you doing to keep interested? I told everyone in church this morning about you and mom buying a computer at 3:30 a.m. and the Credit Union calling me about suspicious activity on our card the next morning. ;^) They all had a good laugh. Naturally, mom was out at Meijer at 2 a.m. last night.

Comment by Clara — December 31, 2007 @ 4:41 am

What fun! And how nice that Sydney/New Year’s Eve was on your route back to Melbourne and that your boss arranged for you to stay at his brother’s place. What a wonderful experience you’re having–so many different facets of it.

By the way, as I was eating breakfast I had on the TODAY program. It showed the fireworks in Sydney at midnight. It’s already 2008 there. Happy New Year!

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