I think the strangest thing about traveling cross hemisphere, even stranger than swapping seasons, is the change in length of days. It isn’t such a factor going from short days (winter in Melbourne) to long days (summer in USA), but the other way around really messes with my system.
When I left the US the sun was going down around 8:30 or so. A fairly normal time to start winding down the day, and at least begin thinking about bed. However, now that I am back in Melbourne the sun goes down at 5:10pm. Now around 5pm my body gets confused and thinks it’s about time to pack it in and head for bed. I am finding it hard to stay up to a normal time, but then again I am getting lots of great sleep, so it’s not all bad.
Nice photo! Although I was aware of the huge time difference between Detroit and Melbourne, I had not even thought about the seasonal changes–from nearly the time of year with maximum daylight to just the opposite in Melbourne. It must seem odd, and I understand why adjusting can take a while.
It was wonderful to be with you in Detroit–a great time to celebrate and just enjoy your family.
Hmmm, after looking, I think that time is set to New Zealand time. It is 3 hours earlier here than that time says I believe. Melbourne should be 9 hours earlier than Central time, but a day later.
I’ve been waiting for you to set this page to Melbourne time… At least the evening scene over the bay looks relaxing and restful. Seems awful early though for the sun to go down. I like the daylight! If only it would warm up around here like Al Gore keeps promising. Chilly spring. Is that scene on the walk just outside of your apt?
Yeah that photo is from around here somewhere. Can’t remember exactly where. Probably on the walking path one night.
As far as redoing the website to reflect AUSTRALIA, I know I keep saying I want to do this and doing nothing about it… well so it would seem anyways. In reality I want to change it to an Australian theme (time/weather etc.) but I want the New Zealand pages to remain as a New Zealand theme. Unfortunately for me, wordpress (the open source CMS that this site is running on) wont let me specify different themes for different sections. I have tried several times to code a solution, but seems like every time I try there are various road blocks making things more difficult than they should be. My latest attempt was last night and it was a failure. Haha.
Hopefully ONE DAY SOON I will get it up and running with separate themes for different countries. That’s probably more info than anyone needed.
I love the info! And the photo is amazing. It’s like looking into a real sun . . . being able to without burning my eyes because of the perfect position of the bird (gull?). (Even its posture is perfect. Did you have to take a lot of pictures to get him just right?) Even the ring around the sun. And I swear that yesterday I saw a very subtle but other pattern filling the sky–around the sun. Strange. Unless it’s just that kind of amazing photo. Well, off into the day! XOXOX
Thanks. I liked the photo . It was the only shot I took like that I think. Unfortunately the majority of the photos I take now are just sunset over the bay pictures. My life has become rather boring.
Haha! What a sobb story! As in S.O.B.B./Sunsets Over the Bay being Boring! Our hearts go out to you! We’ll go get our Kleenex boxes now! JK!!! As in **totally** Just Kidding! We’re happy for you! Enjoy them for us and send more of those “boring” pictures! XOXOX
Yeah, I’m with your mom, keep those “boring” pictures coming. Hey, anything has got to be more interesting than a vacuum blog. Maybe we can make a pact…you get your different themes going, and I’ll get a vacuum blog going.
Comment by josh — May 17, 2008 @ 1:02 pm
I think the strangest thing about traveling cross hemisphere, even stranger than swapping seasons, is the change in length of days. It isn’t such a factor going from short days (winter in Melbourne) to long days (summer in USA), but the other way around really messes with my system.
When I left the US the sun was going down around 8:30 or so. A fairly normal time to start winding down the day, and at least begin thinking about bed. However, now that I am back in Melbourne the sun goes down at 5:10pm. Now around 5pm my body gets confused and thinks it’s about time to pack it in and head for bed. I am finding it hard to stay up to a normal time, but then again I am getting lots of great sleep, so it’s not all bad.
Comment by Claire — May 17, 2008 @ 2:10 pm
Glad that you are back home safe and sound. It’s 9:09 PM here right now and the sun is setting.
Comment by Clara — May 18, 2008 @ 4:42 am
Nice photo! Although I was aware of the huge time difference between Detroit and Melbourne, I had not even thought about the seasonal changes–from nearly the time of year with maximum daylight to just the opposite in Melbourne. It must seem odd, and I understand why adjusting can take a while.
It was wonderful to be with you in Detroit–a great time to celebrate and just enjoy your family.
Comment by Clara — May 18, 2008 @ 4:45 am
My post time was 4:42 a.m. It’s 10:42 a.m. in Omaha on Sunday, May 18. So is the 4:42 a.m actually Monday, May 19 in Melbourne?
Comment by josh — May 18, 2008 @ 10:37 pm
Hmmm, after looking, I think that time is set to New Zealand time. It is 3 hours earlier here than that time says I believe. Melbourne should be 9 hours earlier than Central time, but a day later.
Comment by dadman — May 19, 2008 @ 7:11 am
I’ve been waiting for you to set this page to Melbourne time… At least the evening scene over the bay looks relaxing and restful. Seems awful early though for the sun to go down. I like the daylight! If only it would warm up around here like Al Gore keeps promising. Chilly spring. Is that scene on the walk just outside of your apt?
Comment by josh — May 19, 2008 @ 6:30 pm
Yeah that photo is from around here somewhere. Can’t remember exactly where. Probably on the walking path one night.
As far as redoing the website to reflect AUSTRALIA, I know I keep saying I want to do this and doing nothing about it… well so it would seem anyways. In reality I want to change it to an Australian theme (time/weather etc.) but I want the New Zealand pages to remain as a New Zealand theme. Unfortunately for me, wordpress (the open source CMS that this site is running on) wont let me specify different themes for different sections. I have tried several times to code a solution, but seems like every time I try there are various road blocks making things more difficult than they should be. My latest attempt was last night and it was a failure. Haha.
Hopefully ONE DAY SOON I will get it up and running with separate themes for different countries. That’s probably more info than anyone needed.
Comment by dadman — May 20, 2008 @ 2:53 am
Thanks for trying!!
Comment by Peg Moore — May 20, 2008 @ 3:30 am
I love the info!
And the photo is amazing. It’s like looking into a real sun . . . being able to without burning my eyes because of the perfect position of the bird (gull?). (Even its posture is perfect. Did you have to take a lot of pictures to get him just right?) Even the ring around the sun. And I swear that yesterday I saw a very subtle but other pattern filling the sky–around the sun. Strange. Unless it’s just that kind of amazing photo. Well, off into the day! XOXOX
Comment by josh — May 20, 2008 @ 1:37 pm
Thanks. I liked the photo
. It was the only shot I took like that I think. Unfortunately the majority of the photos I take now are just sunset over the bay pictures. My life has become rather boring.
Comment by Peg Moore — May 20, 2008 @ 4:29 pm
Haha! What a sobb story! As in S.O.B.B./Sunsets Over the Bay being Boring! Our hearts go out to you! We’ll go get our Kleenex boxes now!
JK!!! As in **totally** Just Kidding! We’re happy for you! Enjoy them for us and send more of those “boring” pictures!
Comment by Louise — May 23, 2008 @ 5:23 pm
Yeah, I’m with your mom, keep those “boring” pictures coming. Hey, anything has got to be more interesting than a vacuum blog. Maybe we can make a pact…you get your different themes going, and I’ll get a vacuum blog going.
Comment by Peg Moore — May 24, 2008 @ 8:12 am
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