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Great Ocean Road: The End

Thursday, 13 March 2008 : Filed under: Victoria E-Mail This Article

Great Ocean Road
Road and Ocean – The Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia


Comment by josh — March 13, 2008 @ 8:13 pm

You will all be glad to know that this is the final post on The Great Ocean Road. I finally got my camera back from the shop, so I can post some pictures of lovely Parkdale. This photo here isn’t anything in perticular, just a winding road along an Australian coast.

The weather just got really hot. It had been a fairly mild summer, then all of a sudden it is approaching 40 degrees (that is about 100F) every day this week. I don’t mind, as I was a bit dissapointed by the Australian summer so far. It’s nice to spend a few more days at the beach rather than inside in the cold.

The weather here in Melbourne is bi-polar. It can be so hot you can barely move, then the wind will kick up and you have to go get a jumper.

Comment by josh — March 14, 2008 @ 12:25 pm

On another note, the economy has been quite fascinating lately, in a masochistic sort of way. I find it all pretty interesting, watching something of this magnatude happen. It seems as if maybe Mr. Bernanke isn’t quite as ready to handle something like this as Mr. Greenspan might have been. Hopefully he learns quickly.

I couldn’t believe the other day when I checked, and the Canadian dollar is now worth more than the US dollar, something I never thought I would see.

I feel the real world effects of this every week when I convert my Australian pay check into US dollars (perhaps not the smartest of moves?). Every week it gets closer to a 1:1 conversion (currently about 100:94). I can’t get too excited about that though, as my US investments are going down at a faster rate than my Australian worth is going up. Oh well, just a blip on the radar of a long term view, right? I wonder how long it will last, and what the magnitude of this ‘recession’ will be. And will the rest of the world follow, or just watch?

Comment by Clara — March 14, 2008 @ 4:44 pm

I like this last Great Ocean Road photo with the curved/elevated road and wooded hill on one side and the blue water/white foam on the other. What did you mean at the end of the first post–when the wind kicks up and you “have to get a jumper”?

It would be difficult to have a bird’s eye view of the economy when you’re caught up in the ripples.

Comment by josh — March 14, 2008 @ 7:01 pm

Oh by jumper I meant a jacket. That’s what they call them here. Sorry for any confusion!

Comment by Clara — March 15, 2008 @ 2:27 am

No apology needed. It’s fun to hear the different expressions and how they’re used.

Comment by dadman — March 15, 2008 @ 5:21 am

I’ve enjoyed all the old pics and commentary and I’m very much looking forward to new ones!!

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