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Saturday, 19 July 2008 : Filed under: Victoria E-Mail This Article

Orange Bay
An orange bay sunset – Melbourne, Australia


Comment by josh — July 19, 2008 @ 6:13 pm

The other day Beth and I were coming home and all of a sudden there was the most ridiculously awesome looking sunset. I took some pictures and this is one of them. It looked even crazier in person, with a full angle view only possible through eyeballs on a rotating head/neck combo as outfitted on us humans.

My posting has slowed down to about once weekly it seems. Mainly cause while you guys are there sweating yourselves silly, it is the dog days of winter here. The sun goes down at a depressingly early hour (about the time I leave work to board the train), and it’s a bit cold as well. The winters here aren’t that bad I have decided. I was worried when we were getting cold days in March, but now it is the coldest month of the year and it still doesn’t hit freezing even overnight. I have decided that me bringing back my full scale winter gear from Michigan may have been a bit excessive. Heck, some people are still wearing shorts. Normal daytime temps are probably in the 50s. Most people act as if it’s ten below :D .

I have been having some interesting business conversations with an old colleague of mine. Perhaps more to come on that later as things develop. Work is currently pretty good. Very busy, but the work is genuinely interesting. We are going to see Batman / Dark Knight tomorrow. I can’t wait.

Beth is working at this really yum bakery/cake shop in the next suburb over from us. They pride themselves on making everything fresh every day. An awesome benefit of that is that Beth gets to bring home bags of baked goods when she works. Monday she brought back a full quiche, an apple pie, several long john style filled donuts called ‘krusties’, a custard tart, and three eclairs. Needless to say, I am not getting any skinnier.

In other news, the other day the Aussie dollar was the strongest I have ever seen it against the USD, with 1AUD = .9822 USD. Wow!

That’s all I got. I am counting down the days until October when I can welcome back daylight savings time and start spending time on the beach and in the water!

Comment by kriz — July 20, 2008 @ 3:49 am

Sounds like you’re living the high life Josh. Enjoy the free bakery goods…just make sure your arteries can keep pumping the blood around.

Buy me some of those fancy Aussie dollars. Its funny, back when I was in Australia in 2002 they talked about how awesome American money was, and how they considered their own currency “play money”. I guess they have real money now.

Comment by Clara — July 21, 2008 @ 9:54 am

The orange sunset is gorgeous. I like the orange sky reflected on the water. And, as you said, this must be totally awesome in person when you can turn your head and see the orange all around you.

Your winter temperatures seem very mild. It’s been hot and steamy in Iowa and eastern Nebraska for several weeks. Plus, we’ve had far more rain than normal.

Beth’s job sounds rewarding–for both of you. The reviews of the new Batman movie have been very good. Martha, Mick and Kevin were at Okoboji last week and went to the midnight show. Hal will probably want to see the movie, too.

Comment by josh — July 21, 2008 @ 10:01 am

The Dark Knight was awesome!

Comment by Marti — July 27, 2008 @ 1:13 am

Beautiful sunset. Seems like both you and Beth have found work you enjoy. Mick, Kevin and I were at the cottage a few days before Katie’s wedding and we went to the midnight showing of Batman. We thought it was a great movie.

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