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Rock and Shrub

Thursday, 6 November 2008 : Filed under: Victoria E-Mail This Article

Rocks and Shrub


Comment by josh — November 6, 2008 @ 9:32 am

I can’t be sure quite where this photo was taken. All I know for certain is that I found it on my camera. I think it may be from when we were at Hanging Rock, or around there. Regardless, I found it rather nice looking.

They have these new-fangled camera contraptions that have a built in GPS, which allows the camera to tag each photo taken with the exact location it was taken in (and store this info in the photo’s EXIF data). This is something I have been thinking of for quite some time, before I heard it was available. The technology would open up a lot of cool possibilities. Right now I think it is only available on top end digital cameras, and as add-ons to some others.

So what else is news… the weather in Melbourne is bi-polar. One day it will be borderline uncomfortable warm, the next day (or hour) it will be really windy and cold.

In other news, I was surprised at how much attention is payed to the US election over here. I’m not sure if it is like this every election. I have the feeling it is more so for this election because of the current state of the world etc. But they had full blown election coverage on multiple stations here. We had a few TVs set up at work all day, and when the candidates were giving their speeches everyone ran over to watch. The overwhelming sentiment in Australia is an almost extreme attitude in favor of Obama and likewise against McCain — this I get both from Australian media as well as from talking to Australians. It seems to extend to other countries around the world. I could go on to rant about the reasons why, but suffice it to say that it has to do with war.

Comment by Clara — November 8, 2008 @ 11:46 am

Yes, this terrain seems similar to that of Hanging Rock.

The highs here last weekend, Monday and Tuesday were in the mid-70s. Today’s high might have been 35. There was a blizzard in the Black Hills with 45″ of snow in two days. Iowa is having some light snow. None in Omaha, however, just very windy and cold. On the other had, a high of 35 might seem mild some day in January or February.

I think the whole world was watching the election.

Comment by Peg — November 9, 2008 @ 6:08 pm

Intriguing photo, GPS camera contraptions, bi-polar weather, and Australians on war . . . I love the sound of my son’s voice. XOXOX

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