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Sheoak Falls

Monday, 3 March 2008 : Filed under: Victoria E-Mail This Article

Sheoak Falls
Water falls. – Great Ocean Road, Australia


Comment by josh — March 3, 2008 @ 12:57 am

Here is a water fall we found towards the end of our drive along The Great Ocean Road. Nothing to write home about really, which is why I am posting it online, rather than sending a physical copy to the USA. I am basically killing time until my camera gets back from the shop. I have a couple more nice GOR shots, then who knows what I will have to be posting.

So yeah, I guess the site has been pretty boring lately. Posts rolling in lazily at a barely once a week rate; then you get to hear me ramble about how the photos were actually from a couple months ago when life was spontaneous and exciting, and how now I’m just another 9-5 drone. One plus is that I get to experiment with long, boderline run-on sentances. I even got to try my hand at the nearly impossible to use correctly semicolon – that is unless you are programming.

That was the 90 word version of “Not a whole lot is going on.” Well I have been doing quite a bit of work, and doing contract work on top of it. Been doing a bit of swimming and getting in some sun when I can. I am ready for hockey playoffs to start, and baseball regular season. I keep meaning to update the framework of the website to reflect being in AUSTRALIA, but the lame wordpress CMS I am using doesn’t have much power, and I definately don’t have the ambition to redo the whole site in Drupal.

That was the 101 word version of “Not a whole lot is going on.” Until next time…

Comment by Peg Moore — March 3, 2008 @ 5:47 pm

I love your 101 words of “Not a whole lot is going on.” :-) Nanna would be proud of you! One of her favorite children’s books was _And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street_. It was Dr. Seuss’s first kids’ book. Easy to find via Google. I think Nanna’s real-life story goes something like: when your Uncle Charles was young and when he’d come home from school, she’d ask him what happened that day. And after however many times of him not having much to say, she’d say, “What did you see on Mulberry Street.” It was her cue to him to use his imagination and come up with something to say even if it didn’t really happen. :-)

Well, you actually are telling true things; you’re just drawing them out. (Now, see! There’s a perfect semi-colon usage! Dad and I were just emailing last week about the triumphs and trials in correct semi-colon usage. Having fun with it, of course. :-) Dr. Sax, my English Dept. Dean, would be proud! But I digress.) And besides, you know I love detail and minutia. Hearing about contract work, swimming, sun, hockey, baseball, and your website framework is INTERESTING to your mom! Not to mention listening to your word choice and hearing your humor via cyberspace. As in: “Posts rolling in lazily . . . then you get to hear me ramble about . . . a couple months ago when life was spontaneous and exciting, and how now I’m just another 9-5 drone. One plus is that I get to experiment with long, boderline run-on sentances.” I am literally lol! :-) And I don’t use the word “literally” lightly! :-) (Even if I do use smiley faces lightly. :-) ) And trust me, I really tried to find a paragraph break in that last paragraph! :-) Not one to be had!

302 words and 7 smiley faces! :-) 8!

Wow, it’s really boring to count words, though, isn’t it? :-) 9!


Comment by Peg Moore — March 3, 2008 @ 5:56 pm

Don’t be fooled into thinking I miscounted my smiliey faces! :-) 10!

Comment by dadman — March 4, 2008 @ 3:38 am

Glad to see the pics even if they are a bit old. No problem for me. Anything green looks pretty good as winter is hanging on. And I lived by Mulberry street as a kid, at least it was close by (in Muscatine).

Comment by Peg Moore — March 4, 2008 @ 8:03 am

Like your Mulberry Street connection, Jeff. :-)

Comment by Peg Moore — March 5, 2008 @ 2:39 am

Also, I think the waterfall and its surroundings look like a beautiful, tucked-away place (though maybe in reality not tucked away at all). Was it the kind of pool at the bottom where you could have gone swimming? Reminds me of a scene in the movie “Tuck Everlasting.” (Probably not a movie you saw, though. ;-) ) XOXOX

Comment by Clara — March 5, 2008 @ 4:14 pm

I enjoyed the photo and your description even though you think you didn’t say much. What you said provides insight into what you’re doing.

Comment by Louise — March 6, 2008 @ 2:35 am

Hello Josh. I don’t know how to use a semi-colon. Will you teach a class in it so I can learn how?

Drum roll…..And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street was Dr. Seuss’s first book. (His real name was Theodor Geisel. And, some of his books have the pen name Theo LeSieg which is Geisel spelled backwards. Did you or your mom or dad know that?)

Dr. Seuss was born on March 2, 1904. When he was on a ship (I read one place he was sitting in the bar on the ship.) in the 1930’s (I read that it was a vacation ship to Europe.) there was a terrible storm going on outside. It was scary on the ship and Dr. Seuss, as he was in the bar, listened to the rhythm of the motors on the ship. He wrote the rhyming words of Mulberry to the rhythm of the motors on the ship.

Also, did you know that Mulbery starts in black and white and ends in black and white. But, after the b/w beginning then comes a long a little bit of color in the illustrations (little bit of imagination) and then as it progresses, it is wildly filled with color (lots of imagination) and then the imagination when Marcos (I think it is?) gets home (I think) and is back to the natural real world, and so him imagination is not wild anymore, so back to black and white?

And, I read one place that Mulbery was rejected 28 times, and another place that it was rejected 40-some times.

Ok, so I don’t know how many words that is. But, no semi-colons. I need a class!

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