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The Twelve Apostles

Friday, 22 February 2008 : Filed under: Victoria E-Mail This Article

12 Apostles
A collection of limestone stacks know as The Twelve Apostles – Great Ocean Road, Australia


Comment by josh — February 22, 2008 @ 9:47 pm

The Twelve Apostles is perhaps the most famous landmark on the great ocean road. There are not actually twelve of these stone formations. There may have been at one time, but now there are less. Some have fallen over, one as recently as a couple of years ago. One moment it was there, then it was gone.

In this photo you can see a few of the “Apostles,” and if you turn around you can see a couple more:

12 Apostles

I just found out through wikipedia that back in the day, before being renamed to The 12 Apostles, these rock formations were called The Sow and Piglets. Actually, Beth now tells me we read that when we were visiting them. I did not.

I do need to get up some photos from Melbourne. The problem is, besides general busyness, my camera is in the shop. It had a bit of dust on the sensor causing artifacts on some photos. Beth took it in, and to my horror it is going to cost $150 to get it wiped clean. Just another example of things being really expensive over here.

I have been keeping really busy lately. I spent all week doing some mySQL (database) training to up my knowledge base. I have also been doing quite a bit of reading. Have been getting into some Michael Connelly books recently, as well as finishing up some of the last few Stephen King books I never got around to reading. I am currently reading Bag of Bones which is better than I expected. I am sure glad SK started writing good books again. There was a while when I just wasn’t enjoying what he was putting out, but his last several books have been great. His newest, Duma Key, is meant to be great. I will have to reserve that one from our local library once I finish the stack on my bedside table.

Comment by josh — February 22, 2008 @ 9:55 pm

But don’t take my word for it.


Comment by dadman — February 23, 2008 @ 2:13 am

Interesting rocks! I’m wishing there was a video of one of those falling over. That would be pretty spectacular. There must be trails down the cliff to the beach there? Ouch! on the camera!

Comment by josh — February 23, 2008 @ 3:56 pm

Don’t think there is a video, but I saw some before and after photos from one of the people that was there when it was happened. The first one they took having no idea it was about to fall. Then the after picture from 5 minutes later.

You couldn’t walk down to the beach right there, but up the road a bit you could.

Comment by dadman — February 23, 2008 @ 11:50 pm

wow. that would be freaky to be there when it happened!

Comment by Clara — February 25, 2008 @ 3:45 pm

These photos are lovely and your descriptions most interesting. I’m trying to figure out how tall the rocks are. My Australia book has a photo, but doesn’t give dimensions. If a person were standing beside one of the rocks, would the person be totally dwarfed? The formation and striations on the cliffs are amazing, too.

Sorry about your camera costing so much to be repaired.

Hal has read several Stephen King books. I’ve read only one or two–a long time ago.

Comment by josh — February 25, 2008 @ 3:54 pm

I would estimate a person might be about the height of one of the smaller rocks in the shaddow of the foremost rock in the top photo.

I have read most all of King’s books. I am starting to go back and pick out the few that I never read, never finished, or can’t remember if I’ve read. Yes, sometimes I forget if I have read a book, and don’t remember until the very end. I think there are only about 5 that fit into any of these categories.

Comment by Peg Moore — February 25, 2008 @ 8:00 pm

Dude! Then the Apostles are ***really*** tall!?! Like several stories?!? I’m glad Clara asked and that you answered, because I didn’t have that concept at all. I was thinking maybe . . . I don’t know . . . 15-20 feet? That perspective makes it even more amazing about the one Apostle being there one minute and then gone the next when your friend was photographing it. Wow.

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