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Tidal River

Sunday, 21 December 2008 : Filed under: Victoria E-Mail This Article

Prom River


Comment by josh — December 21, 2008 @ 7:18 pm

This is a photo of a river at Wilson’s Prom that is formed by the tide. The ocean is to the left. Tide is currently out so the river is not much of a river but more like a big puddle.

On another note, weather is finally getting hot here which is great. We’ve got heaps of crew staying with us over the holidays so there’s always a lot going on. Right now there are Chirstmas carols going on at the beach. Ho Ho Ho.

Comment by dadman — December 21, 2008 @ 10:15 pm

Nice warm beach there. Ice and snow here. The -30 mark looks like it’s going to run through both Minneapolis and Rolfe. One of those years when I’m glad we aren’t going anywhere for Christmas!

Comment by Clara — December 21, 2008 @ 11:29 pm

It’s interesting how much difference the tide makes.

As you father mentioned, it’s really cold here. At 7:30 a.m. the temperature in Omaha and Rolfe is -3 F. The high is supposed to be 0. Tonight’s low was supposed to be -16 but has been revised to -11. Fortunately temperatures are to improve the rest of the week, and I don’t see any snow for Christmas driving.

Comment by Peg — December 22, 2008 @ 6:20 am

Fun! A new post! I check every time I sit down at the computer and every time I get up from the computer . . . several times a day! ;-)

Interesting how the tide goes out and just leaves the “puddle.” Cool photo with the boulders, mirror images, sand and all.

What kinds of “heaps of crew.” And “staying with us” means at Beth’s and your place? (Can’t think of anywhere else–work doesn’t seem plausible.) People you know pretty well? What are/will you do to “festive” things up? Decorations? Activities inside? Activities outside? How different to have the weather there make outside such a natural option. **I** love the winter, but I bet just about everyone else here would trade with you in a heartbeat! XOXOX

Comment by Peg — December 22, 2008 @ 6:21 am

Hey, we sent a package Beth’s and your way eight days ago. Any sign of it? XOXOX

Comment by josh — December 22, 2008 @ 8:29 am

No package yet. Sounds really cold over there. Glad you are enjoying it though mom. You can have your -30. I’ll take my sunburned stomach.

Beth’s mother, uncle, and brother are staying with us currently. Our friend Fiona was here from Singapore for a week, but she has gone back home.

Comment by Clara — December 22, 2008 @ 10:52 pm

Enjoy the warmth. This morning’s temperature in Omaha is -8 F. In Rolfe it’s -14.

Comment by Peg — December 23, 2008 @ 1:53 am

A virtual heat-wave here at 15 degrees! Amazing to think of you there with a sunburned tummy! And how fun for you and Beth to have Christmas company! Soak it all in! XOXOX

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