It’s been really windy lately, especially near the water. This morning I woke up early thinking the roof was about to blow off.
Yesterday Beth and I took a loooooong walk along the ‘Kingston Coastal Trail’ which runs along the coast in both directions from our place. We walked north to a suburb called Beaumaris which you see in the photo above. Once we got there, we realized that the point you see in the distance was blocking us from the most of the wind. Once around the point the wind picked way up and there were heaps of wind and kite surfers in the water.
I had never walked this far north. We found that this part of the trail was called the Coastal Art Trail (or something like that). Some famous Victorian artists used to live in this area and paint the bay. Every so often there would be a sign with a painting done of the exact view from the sign and some information on the artist who painted it. It made for a very interesting afternoon. The cold and wind made the cafe stop for coffee on the way home even better.
If anyone else is getting the… uhmmm… questionable ads in the sidebar… I had nothing to do with that I swear . You will know if you are getting the same ones I’m talking about lol.
Got any close ups of those gulls? I’d like to see more detail. Really like the windy shots. Have you ever tried kite surfing? You guys watching any of the olympics?
No close ups of the gulls. I will try to remember that next time I’m out with my camera. Are you thinking they are different than the gulls back there? There are some big pelicans that hang out over by where I took these photos.
Never tried kite surfing. A friend from the UK was all into it, but I never tried. Too cold for me now anyways.
Have been watching a bit of the Olympics when we can. They have it on here at work which is fun. I had ordered a USB HD TV Tuner for my computer, but due to various incompetencies of Australian online shopping (of which I will not get into for fear of getting angry again) I do not have it one in my possession. Maybe before the games are over it will arrive.
Any bird close-ups would be great! I did spot some new (australian) gull in one of your photos a while back. Any nature close-ups are interesting to me. Plants, leaves, flowers, bark, snails, seeds, rocks, fungi, insects, butterflies … you know me. ;^)
I like both photos. They both seem definitely not summer and more like what the coast should look like in cooler weather. I like the gulls and enjoy your descriptions of nature and of the history of the area.
I don’t mind the ads. Generally I ignore–almost don’t even notice–ads on Internet sites.
USD? I was thinking University of South Dakota? Not! Racking my brain. Finally–U.S. $ !!!!!!!!! I’m slow!
Comment by josh — August 11, 2008 @ 10:07 am
It’s been really windy lately, especially near the water. This morning I woke up early thinking the roof was about to blow off.
Yesterday Beth and I took a loooooong walk along the ‘Kingston Coastal Trail’ which runs along the coast in both directions from our place. We walked north to a suburb called Beaumaris which you see in the photo above. Once we got there, we realized that the point you see in the distance was blocking us from the most of the wind. Once around the point the wind picked way up and there were heaps of wind and kite surfers in the water.
I had never walked this far north. We found that this part of the trail was called the Coastal Art Trail (or something like that). Some famous Victorian artists used to live in this area and paint the bay. Every so often there would be a sign with a painting done of the exact view from the sign and some information on the artist who painted it. It made for a very interesting afternoon. The cold and wind made the cafe stop for coffee on the way home even better.
Comment by josh — August 11, 2008 @ 10:08 am
Another photo from the walk
Comment by josh — August 11, 2008 @ 10:09 am
If anyone else is getting the… uhmmm… questionable ads in the sidebar… I had nothing to do with that I swear
. You will know if you are getting the same ones I’m talking about lol.
Comment by kriz — August 11, 2008 @ 4:55 pm
Ooooo…I like wind. Sounds like a nice walk.
All the ads here tell me to move to Australia.
Google just reads your BRAAAAAAIN Josh…so whatever filthy thoughts you had…Google knows. It is all powerful.
Comment by dadman — August 12, 2008 @ 12:38 am
Got any close ups of those gulls? I’d like to see more detail. Really like the windy shots. Have you ever tried kite surfing? You guys watching any of the olympics?
Comment by josh — August 12, 2008 @ 9:54 am
No close ups of the gulls. I will try to remember that next time I’m out with my camera. Are you thinking they are different than the gulls back there? There are some big pelicans that hang out over by where I took these photos.
Never tried kite surfing. A friend from the UK was all into it, but I never tried. Too cold for me now anyways.
Have been watching a bit of the Olympics when we can. They have it on here at work which is fun. I had ordered a USB HD TV Tuner for my computer, but due to various incompetencies of Australian online shopping (of which I will not get into for fear of getting angry again) I do not have it one in my possession. Maybe before the games are over it will arrive.
Comment by josh — August 12, 2008 @ 9:54 am
USD is making a comeback.
Comment by dadman — August 12, 2008 @ 10:31 pm
USD is making a comeback?
Any bird close-ups would be great! I did spot some new (australian) gull in one of your photos a while back. Any nature close-ups are interesting to me. Plants, leaves, flowers, bark, snails, seeds, rocks, fungi, insects, butterflies … you know me. ;^)
Comment by Clara — August 13, 2008 @ 11:58 am
I like both photos. They both seem definitely not summer and more like what the coast should look like in cooler weather. I like the gulls and enjoy your descriptions of nature and of the history of the area.
I don’t mind the ads. Generally I ignore–almost don’t even notice–ads on Internet sites.
USD? I was thinking University of South Dakota? Not! Racking my brain. Finally–U.S. $ !!!!!!!!! I’m slow!
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