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Yellow and Green

Tuesday, 19 August 2008 : Filed under: Victoria E-Mail This Article

Yellow And Green


Comment by josh — August 19, 2008 @ 7:04 pm

This is a shot I took in the bush near our house. Nothing much to say about it except that I thought it looked cool. It is green and yellow, so I suppose it can be my tribute to the Jamaican Olympic team who dominated both the men’s and women’s 100m dash.

We have been watching lots of Olympics here, streaming video from NBC and also the BBC, and occasionally watching on Australian TV. It is interesting to get different perspectives on things. I find that the BBC shows mainly events that I find borings… rowing, canoing, indoor bike racing, etc.

When we haven’t been watching Olympics (and sometimes when we are) I have been really busy with work. Working full time at Lonely Planet and doing contract work in the evenings and weekends.

Beth is going to be mad if I don’t eat dinner (mmm hamburgers!)… so I had better go!

Comment by dadman — August 20, 2008 @ 12:30 am

I’m likin’ the lichens!
My favorite olympic sport has been badminton, but I haven’t seen much of it. I didn’t know anyone could play badminton like that. Team volleyball and the track and field events are pretty good too.

Comment by kriz — August 20, 2008 @ 1:12 am

Swimming and running always interest me. I was flipping through the channels and the U.S. was pummeling the Chinese baseball team 9 to 0. That was pretty boring.

Comment by Claire — August 20, 2008 @ 8:50 am

Jon and I have been watching a lot of Olympics too. What’s your favorite event?

Comment by Clara — August 20, 2008 @ 11:09 am

I like the photo of the lichen covered branch. It’s just another example of beauty being all around us.

I’ve seen just glimpses of the Olympics off and on. I thought the synchronized 10 meter diving was totally awesome! We’re excited that Shawn Johnson, from West Des Moines, did so well in women’s gymnastics. And I agree with “dadman” that badminton was amazing.

Comment by josh — August 20, 2008 @ 12:13 pm

I didn’t know Shawn Johnson was from Des Moines. Nice to know. I also didn’t know anyone else had heard of synchronized diving, because I sure hadn’t. I didn’t even see it but I *did* read in our local paper that a girl from the Park Dizzle (our little suburb) won a silver medal in the event. I was actually going to post that here before you mentioned it.

As for my favorite event… I like the steeplechase! I also like all the short distance (up to about 400m) runs, the jumping, gymnastics, diving, swimming. I don’t much like the artistic gymnastics or synchronized swimming or rowing/canoing or the indoor bike racing. I just watched women’s handball for the first time last night. I was expecting it to be the handball where you smash a ball against a wall with your hands and wear down your knees, but it turns out its some kind of cross between basketball and hockey. It was pretty entertaining. Also there are apparently shooting events, but I have never seen those.

Comment by Peg — August 21, 2008 @ 6:06 am

I’m here, reading and loving every word every person writes, especially you, Josh! XOXOX When I first opened the site, it was another “gasp” moment as I saw the new photo. Beautiful and striking! And I think your link to the Jamaican colors is clever. :-) It’s interesting, too, how people from all over the world are joined around watching the Olympics, each with their favorites. Pretty amazing. Love you!

Comment by dadman — August 21, 2008 @ 12:11 pm

I know I told a bunch of people that the brother of our good friend Matt here in MI used to be Shawn Johnson’s teacher for a while in elementary school in DM. I was happy for her to finally win one gold.

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