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Auckland Day in Albert Park

Tuesday, 30 January 2007 : Filed under: Auckland E-Mail This Article

Auckland Day in Albert Park
People gather for music and sun in Albert Park – Auckland, New Zealand


Comment by josh — January 30, 2007 @ 11:05 pm

Each province of New Zealand has its own Anniversary Day which is a public holiday for that province. Auckland Anniversary Day was this last weekend. We woke up and heard music coming from the park. When we went over there we found bands set up and playing, and lots of people. It made for a nice day in the sun.

Comment by Peg Moore — February 4, 2007 @ 7:44 pm

Did you know about Anniversay Day before it arrived? How fun to wake up to sunshine, music, and people in holiday moods! :-) (Sorry for the belated response here.) Hey, we got Julia’s card. What a nice surprise in the mailbox. :-) Tell her thank you from us!

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