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Auckland Library

Wednesday, 8 November 2006 : Filed under: Auckland E-Mail This Article

Auckland Library
I went looking for the public library and found out it is in the building next to ours. It is about a 100m walk from our door. I got a library card and checked out the library (no pun intended).

The library is a decent size, but not huge. There are three levels, one for fiction, one for non-fiction, and one for archives and special books on display.

Time to go make dinner.


Comment by Peg Moore — November 8, 2006 @ 1:50 am

Very cool. I love it that the library’s next door. And that you already have a card. Smart move. Just think of all the free (?) things there: newspapers, magazines, books for help, books for fun, internet connections (I assume), DVDs/videos, and more, more, more. Not to mention a quiet (?) place to just kick back in for a change of pace. And maybe meet people. Oh, maybe you don’t have a DVD or video player? And maybe you’ll be too busy enjoying the *real* new world right out your door? Haha, love your not-a-pun! :-) XOXOX

Comment by Clara Hoover — November 8, 2006 @ 6:56 am

So cool, indeed! How neat that you’re next door to the library and that you’ve already got your library card. Your doing so reminds me of when Hal and I moved to Omaha and he was downtown checking out the YMCA handball courts/getting a game before your mother and I arrived at our house in a separate car. Being next door to the library and having your library card certainly impresses all your “library” relatives.

What “zone” is Australia in? Does your computer have a DVD drive that plays Australia zone?

Comment by josh — November 8, 2006 @ 9:20 pm

Region 4: Australia and New Zealand, Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America

I don’t know if the DVD player on my laptop can play region 4, or only region 1 discs. I will have to find out. If it can only play region 1, there is probably a hack to get it to play all regions.

The the DVDs, CDs, and internet connection at the library are not free. Internet is $2/hr (same as the cheap local cafes). DVDs are $5/week and CDs are $2/week (I think). Books are free for 28 days, but “hot” [new] titles cost $5 to check out or something. The library also has a large drawered cabinet full of maps. I had fun looking at a few cool maps of NZ the other day. The maps showing volcanoes are perticularly amusing.

We don’t have a DVD player here besides the laptops. We have a very small TV, 13 inches or so.

Comment by Louise Shimon — November 9, 2006 @ 6:37 am

HaHaHaHaHAAA! Checked out the Library! Very Good, Josh. Even though no pun intended, I can tell you have Gunderson humor gene’s in you!

I’ll take a look at your writing more later on today. In a few minutes I’m taking Bill for his first colonoscopy.

Thinking of you and your travels makes me think of Katie and her travels to Italy. I’ll look at the world through your eyes.

Thank you for showing the photo of the library. You know…a pictures equals 1,000 words. I like visualizing the library.

Comment by josh — November 9, 2006 @ 6:02 pm

Glad you are enjoying the photos!

Tell Bill I hope he enjoys his colonoscopy.

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