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Christmas Night in Auckland

Monday, 25 December 2006 : Filed under: Auckland E-Mail This Article

Sky Tower on Christmas Night
Sky Tower lit green and red on Christmas night – Auckland, New Zealand.


Comment by josh — December 25, 2006 @ 5:29 pm

Every month the Sky Tower is lit different colors. In December it is green and red for Christmas. Last night after taking our post-dinner naps we went to look at Christmas lights on Franklin Road. Supposedly Franklin Road is known for great Christmas lights on all the houses… let’s just say there were some Christmas lights.

After walking up Franklin Road we were on Ponsonby Road on top of the hill and had some good views of the Sky Tower.

Today we leave for a weeklong trip heading south. We plan to go to Rotorua and Lake Taupo. Until then, happy holidays and thanks everyone who sent cards and Christmas cheer to the other side of the world. It was very much appreciated, and made home seem a little closer.

Comment by Peg Moore — December 31, 2006 @ 1:41 am

Hey there. Welcome back! We’ve missed you! XOXOX (But we’re excited with you about getting to see new parts of the N. Island.) And it gave me a chance to catch up on your last two photo album postings. So much good stuff there, so I’ll mostly comment more in generalities than on specific photos. I really enjoyed again the slideshow feature. The photos include more than they do in their entry-way-icon versions (or whatever they’re called). Plus, I pick up even more detail than I would expect from an enlargement (e.g., I could tell who those two people were by the dogs that were herding the sheep! ;-) ). (Awesome photo, by the way.) I like to read the titles of the photos first and then go to the slideshow. That way, I have a better sense of what I’m looking at. And I’m enjoying that you’ve got such a diversity of subject matter: scenery, people, animals (pig, sheep, cat :-) , cows, turkeys!), close-ups (flowers [love the raindrops], plants [which Dad will appreciate!],
mussels, etc.), and “daily life” shots (tent, bed, checking the campstove flame, etc.). Even the not-so-scenic spots (”lovely,” “pretty”) add to the story. It’s nice, too, to see different angles on the same scenery, like the several different views of Bridal Veil Falls. And your eye for design (for lack of a better word) in what might get overlooked–coffee cup, beer mug, museum door, etc. Some of my favorites: the bench scene (I forget the name.), the path to the beach from your campsite, Beth with her leaf and book :-) , the dead tree on the beach, “nice view . . .” (gorgeous!), and “I hope the brakes don’t go out.” Oh, yeah, and your wild hair in “hero shot.” :-) Awesome, awesome, awesome. Thanks for taking the time to post them all. (I know, I know: That’s a lot of detail for speaking in generalities! But, hey, I gotta get a week’s worth of word count in! ;-) ) XOXOX

Comment by josh — January 23, 2007 @ 3:43 am

Hey I’m glad you liked all the photos. It is fun to take them. It seems everything is a good picture here.

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