Downtown Apartment
We moved out of the Brown Kiwi and into our own apartment in downtown Auckland. The search for a place had been a bit difficult. Every apartment we looked at was extremely small and felt like a cubicle. At last we saw an ad for a roomy place in an old building downtown. We knew we wanted it imediately and were pleased to found out that the landlords found us to be suitable tenants.
We moved in yesterday, and I have spent this morning getting all the utilities turned on. We are located right accross the street from Albert Park and the art museum. We are also convieniently located near Britomart, the main transportation center, and Queen Street, the main street downtown. We are also near Auckland Domain, a beautiful park where we spent this afternoon.
Our building was built in the early 1900’s and was originally a YMCA building. It was converted into apartments in the early nineties. The building has four levels with a rooftop deck with saunda and grill. From the rooftop you can see the very top of the skytower, which is about two blocks away.
Comment by Clara Hoover — November 2, 2006 @ 8:15 am
How exciting! You’ll be right in the midst of everything and can explore easily. Thanks for sending the photos.
Comment by Peg Moore — November 2, 2006 @ 11:08 am
HOW EXCITING!!! What an adventure. The place has so much personality! And near so many places with personality. Of course, YOU have personality, so I am not surprised.
Glad your (probably frustrating) search finaly hit the jack pot. (I had to go back in in this text and replace four exclamation points with periods–had to restrain myself in print. Shouldn’t end *every* sentence with an exclamation point, I suppose.
Comment by josh — November 2, 2006 @ 4:14 pm
haha. I try to use periods. Today we are attempting to go to Piha, a surf beach west of here.
Comment by Peg Moore — November 2, 2006 @ 8:08 pm
Which windows in the picture of the outside of the building are yours? Or maybe your place is on an opposite side?
Comment by Adam — November 3, 2006 @ 7:14 am
Is it a 3/2? Room for friends to come and stay? Nice location. What does a place like that run a month?
Comment by josh — November 5, 2006 @ 2:39 am
It’s not overly large, but the couch folds out into a bed so there is definately room for friends to stay. Compared to the other places we looked at it is huge.
Our place is on the first floor, so the first level above the street level. Our kitchen window is on the corner, furthest to the left.
Comment by josh — November 5, 2006 @ 2:40 am
Oh, and it costs 440NZD per week. Everything goes by week here. It was furnished, which we wanted, and water and water heating are covered.
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