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Maori Scrabble

Thursday, 5 April 2007 : Filed under: Auckland E-Mail This Article

Maori Scrabble
Playing scrabble using only Maori words is hard – Auckland, New Zealand


Comment by josh — April 5, 2007 @ 1:23 am

As you can probably tell from the subject of this photo, and my slow-down of posting in general, not a whole lot is going on lately. We have been preparing for our trip to the South Island by working a lot and not doing much else. Luckily the time is nearing. (We leave Auckland in May)

This next week, Beth and I are taking a trip to the Northland (NZ north of Auckland). We leave in the morning, and are excited to finally get up there. I should have a lot of good Photos when we get back.

As for the photo above, I tried to play Scrabble by myself, making only Maori words. It is very hard as they only use a few letters, and they use some of them (notably the A) a lot. It was hard to find words with only one A in them.

Comment by sacman — April 5, 2007 @ 1:31 am

You should totally make a Maori scrabble game and sell it on ebay. It would be the same as normal scrabble but have like 50 As. It could also come standard with a blow up opponent so you would never have to play alone.

Comment by Peg Moore — April 7, 2007 @ 4:11 pm

ADMIRABLE!!! (That word would *not* work well on your board. ;-) ) You always were one to take new ground! I love that about you! :-) Do you think one-person Maori Scrabble might be a first? Have an awesome trip in the Northland. Will look forward to photos! XOXOXO

Comment by Peg Moore — April 7, 2007 @ 4:16 pm

Seized by a case of missin’ you. 11:15 p.m., MI time, Dad’s office chair, all quiet. XOXOX

Comment by Peg Moore — April 7, 2007 @ 4:17 pm

Hey, isn’t there a song, “Bad Case of Missin’ You”?! ;-) Hehe. All right, I’m headed to zzzzzzz-land.

Comment by Clara — April 11, 2007 @ 12:04 pm

What fun to see you using the Scrabble board in this way. You’re right about there being a lot of “A’s.” Enjoy your trip to the Northland. Your experience on the North Island has been so amazing. Who knows what lies is store on the South Island.

Comment by josh — April 11, 2007 @ 7:04 pm

We are back now. Trip was awesome. Photos coming in the next day or two.

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