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Santa on Queen Street

Tuesday, 5 December 2006 : Filed under: Auckland E-Mail This Article

Santa on Queen Street
Santa on Queen Street – Auckland, New Zealand.


Comment by josh — December 5, 2006 @ 7:03 pm

On the opposite corner of our block, on the corner of Victoria and Queen Street which is one of the larger downtown intersections, there is now a giant statue of Santa. He slowly wigles his finger and winks his right eye, which strikes me as slightly creepy. This intersection is also a free-for-all intersection – all directions of traffic get red lights, and all pedestrians cross in all directions at once.

On Saturday, Auckland is putting on Christmas in the Park. There will be live music, and other festivities in Auckland Domain (a large park near our flat) and free entrance to the Auckland Museum as they open a new section of the museum to the public.

Comment by Clara — December 5, 2006 @ 8:27 pm

Really neat and fun! I imagine the three of you are going to Christmas it the Park. It should be fun. As good as Dec. 31, 1999, in Times Square?!

Comment by josh — December 5, 2006 @ 8:37 pm

Well, hopefully more bathrooms at least! That was the worst part about NYC for new years. Sitting and waiting for 6 hours with no bathrooms.

Comment by Clara — December 5, 2006 @ 8:45 pm

Well, then there’s no way I (or probably any other middle aged women) could be in NYC. Maybe we could if we didn’t drink anything for at least six hours in advance.

Comment by dad — December 6, 2006 @ 8:51 am

so Whitcoulls is like a dept. store? Do they have strip malls and stuff there? Or does it just look like an old style downtown retail section because it is the old style downtown retail section and there are other newer type places? I looked at which looks like a big online place to buy stuff in nz. I looked at cds and the prices were all listed at around $30. I thought you use pounds over there. Are those NZ dollars? Or are they trying to encourage cd piracy by making them so expensive no one will buy them.

From the picture I figured out that it was a free for all pedestrian crossing. I’ve been around those before but at the moment I can’t remember where. Are all the crossings that way or only at really busy intersections.

Does it feel sort of like England around there? Or maybe not very much.

I really like the close up gannet picture. Nice!

Comment by Ashley — December 6, 2006 @ 8:43 pm

Hi Josh! Just curious…What’s playing on a typical radio station (other than Christmas music)? The reason I ask is that New Zealand seems pretty remote yet not at all isolated. Even so, I can’t imagine a lot of American bands/musicians tour there, or do they?

Congratulations to Beth on the cool job!

Comment by george — December 6, 2006 @ 9:06 pm

You’re a bastard for going to NZ. NZ / Australia trip is next on my list, if I get my way. I hope you guys all have a ton of fun.

Comment by josh — December 6, 2006 @ 10:01 pm

Hey Ashley.
To be honest, I haven’t listened to a whole lot of the radio here. I am normally listening to whatever is on my iPod.

I believe there is a Reggae station in Auckland, and there is a station I have listened to a bit called George FM. I believe they have stations like this in the states. George is pretty good, playing a variety of chill house/dnb and sometimes some electronic jazz type stuff. I haven’t listened but when in a friends car.

There is one really good Kiwi dub band called Fat Freddy’s Drop. I would suggest getting their new CD, Based on a True Story, if you see it. I haven’t heard the new CD, but I have their first CD and it is great (but not on Amazon).

As far as bands touring here, there seems to be quite a lot. M. Ward is going to be here shortly, Mars Volta had a date in December (been rescheduled to March), U2 was just here, the Datsuns, Roger Waters, and lots others that I am forgetting. There is big festival in January called Big Day Out with Tool headlining (we will be there) and lots of other bands playing (Muse, The Killers, My Chemical Romance, The Streets, etc.).

There is no shortage of DJs playing in the city, and all the clubs are open until 6am.

Comment by josh — December 6, 2006 @ 10:06 pm

I guess Whitcoulls is like a department store. I have never been in there. Lots of the shops on Queen Street are rather expensive. There are strip malls, but we are in the heart of downtown, so everything looks like a big city here, at least for a few square blocks :) . I wouldn’t nec. say it looks like old style downtown. Some of the buildings do, but lots look very new.

We definately don’t use pounds. We use NZ Dollars. 1NZD is about .7 USD. Some things are rather Brittish. Unfortunately the only real Kiwi food I have been able to find is fish & chips. I have never been to England though, so I couldn’t tell you if it feels like England. I think it is probably a lot nicer here than in England :) . And spending pounds would be very expensive.

Not all the crosswalks are free for alls. We are in the heart of downtown, so lots of the intersections here are that way.

Comment by Peg Moore — December 8, 2006 @ 11:04 am

I see what you mean about the Santa being a little creepy–wiggling his finger and winking his eye. ;-) Does it seem kind of strange to you to have Christmas decorations up and Christmas music an all . . . with people all around in warm-weather clothes (e.g., the pedestrians in the picture)? While I’m writing this, it’s Friday here and Saturday there and the day for Christmas in the Park. It sounds fun, with live music, free entries, and all. Looking forward to hearing your take on it!

Comment by josh — December 8, 2006 @ 4:01 pm

Yes that is the strangest thing. Christmas decorations in the summer.

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