you can plan a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather

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Coromandel Peninsula

Monday, 20 November 2006 : Filed under: Coromandel E-Mail This Article

Coromandel Peninsula
Zeelandia delivers passengers to the tip of the Coromandel Peninsula.


Comment by josh — November 20, 2006 @ 6:39 pm

We left Sunday morning for our first trip outside of Auckland. We drove east to the Coromandel Peninsula (map coming soon). We drove to the northern tip of the peninsula and camped at a DOC (Department of Conservation) campground in Port Jackson. The drive was only about 250km to Port Jackson, but after about 150km the next 50 were very windy through the mountains and took about an hour. After that, the last 50km to Port Jackson were even more windy, and gravel, taking us two more hours to reach our destination for the night.

The road followed the cost most of the way, and there were lots of scenic stops and lookouts. Our campground was very nice, and the people were friendly. Our spot was just a few feet off of the beach.

Comment by Peg Moore — November 21, 2006 @ 1:20 am

Absolutely beautiful. Being there in person–seeing it live–must be . . . I don’t know the word. Just beautiful. I’d just want to look and look and look. Soak in all those colors and more. How awesome to camp just a few feet from the beach. Kudos to Z. for persevering through the last 50 + 50!

Comment by Clara Hoover — November 21, 2006 @ 8:20 pm

Beautiful! This looks like paradise.

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