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Shark Alley

Monday, 12 February 2007 : Filed under: Great Barrier Island E-Mail This Article

Shark Alley
A great surfing spot on Medlands Beach known as Shark Alley – Great Barrier Island, New Zealand


Comment by josh — February 12, 2007 @ 8:40 pm

This photo might look like the previous entry, but it is a different spot on the same beach. This area was directly in front of the beach access from our campground. Every evening as the tide went out local surfers would flock to this area to surf the break next to these rocks. We did a lot of body surfing here, and spent a lot of time on this beach in general, as we brought no vehicle to the island.

The waves were incredible. They ranged from about 6 to 12 feet high, with some a bit bigger. Even with their large size, they seemed calm and under control, breaking smoothley down the beach as far as you could see. When we came home, I found out that this area is nicknamed Shark Alley. Uh oh.

Comment by josh — February 12, 2007 @ 8:42 pm

A quick note: I have changed the comment times to New Zealand time muhahaha.

Comment by Adam — February 13, 2007 @ 3:30 pm

Did you get any pics of surfers on the waves? 6 – 12 ft. sounds pretty high. Were the a lot of rocks exposed during the low tide? Was it breaking on a reef or sand bar?

Comment by josh — February 13, 2007 @ 6:21 pm

Hey Adam, good to hear from you. There is actually a surfer on a wave in the pic above. He is pretty small though. Yeah the waves were big, and at the same time they were really calm and smoothe when they broke. It’s hard to explain I guess.

All the surfers went to the reef to surf in the picture above. If you look, you can see rocks/reef out in front of the chunk of land with the tree on it. When the swell was in, that was covered in water and the break was too far in and too choppy to surf much. When it went out, it broke perfectly starting right near the reef there and breaking to the right – right if you are surfing that is. The ride was really long when the wave was good. Hope that answers your question.

Comment by andy — February 27, 2007 @ 5:22 am

Hey dude yeah remember this beach with camptain morgan. OH man i wish I could turn the time back!!!!!!!

Comment by josh — February 27, 2007 @ 11:06 am

Hahaha. The ability to turn back time would be nice.

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