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Hamilton Gardens

Thursday, 7 December 2006 : Filed under: Hamilton E-Mail This Article

Indian four chamber flower garden - Hamilton Gardens
Indian Char Bagh garden at Hamilton Gardens – Hamilton, New Zealand.


Comment by josh — December 7, 2006 @ 8:29 pm

Okay, so we went to Hamilton Gardens a couple of weekends ago, but there isn’t much going on this week so I thought I’d post a picture now (plus I wanted to get the picture of me off the top of the page).

This picture is of the Indian Char Bagh, or enclosed four part garden. Here is some info about this type of garden from the Hamilton Gardens website:

The ‘Char Bagh’ or ‘enclosed four part’ garden was the original ‘Paradise Garden’. It is sometimes known as the ‘Universal Garden’, not only for its widespread and long period of use, but also because it was regarded as an icon for the universe itself. This form of garden spread throughout the Muslim world between the 8th and 18th centuries. The complex symbolism behind this form of garden has its very ancient roots in three of the world’s great religions – Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

Hamilton is about two hours south of Auckland, and Hamilton Gardens is one of its largest attractions. The gardens are huge. One of the four garden collections is called the Paradise Garden Collection, featuring traditional gardens styles from different cultures. There are Chinese, Japanese, English, Italian, Indian (above), and American gardens with a Maori garden coming soon. The American garden was an LA style pool with a Marilyn Monroe mural. Go figure.

We only had time to visit the Paradise Garden Collection and the rose garden, totalling only about 1/4 of Hamilton Gardens.

Comment by Clara — December 8, 2006 @ 7:14 am

These gardens look like a lovely and very interesting place. Just the architecture itself has an oriental/middle eastern tone.

Comment by Peg Moore — December 8, 2006 @ 12:14 pm

Strange about the LA-sytle pool and Marilyn Monroe mural. You’re right–go figure. Glad you sent the photo, info, and link. I remember looking up Hamilton on our map when you were there, and it’s nice to get a feel for what you experienced there. What did Beth (loving plants, etc.) think of it? Funny about you wanting to get your picture off the top of the blog. Hehe. :-) (And of course, it’s one of my favorite photos. :-) ) Hey, by the way, I posted comments on that photo and the one before it (of Santa). How far back do you usually check to see if a comment’s been added? TTYL. XOXO

Comment by josh — December 8, 2006 @ 4:07 pm

I get an email anytime a comment is made. I will even get an email about this one that I am making myself.

Comment by Mr. Dad — December 9, 2006 @ 10:04 am

I’m trying to figure this out. Is the thing we’re looking at in the middle of the garden a fountain and the light blue things that go out in the 4 directions channels for the water – or are they walkways? I’m guessing it’s all for water so the garden is only accessible from the perimeter. Do they have some kind of performances on the big stage area, or is that just a place to sit and stroll and enjoy the garden?

Looking at their web site, I like the Chinese Scholars garden. that looks interesting. Did yougo there? And the NZ Cultvar garden looks interesting. Uh oh! A typo on that page–> “New Zealand native plandts” They need one more round of editing! Unless that’s some weird alternate NZ spelling…

Do you know Terry Bartley (pastor from Ohio)? His wife recently wrote a book on kitchen gardens

OOO! I really like the Echo Bank Bush. Did you go through that? I’d head there first if I was visiting. But, uh oh. Another typo! no should be now in “recent movement of Naturalism no known as”. Maybe there is work for Mom and me there.

Valley Walk looks pretty cool too.

Do you have pictures of any of those places?

Comment by Mr. Dads — December 9, 2006 @ 10:12 am

I assume the Pacific Rose Bowl Festival has nothing to do with the Rose Bowl as we know it here… Then again, I suppose it could be a gathering of displaced Michigan fans.

Comment by josh — December 9, 2006 @ 6:17 pm

We went to all the Paradise gardens, which were the country themed gardens including the Chinese one. I don’t know what you mean by the Echo Bank Bush. I think we didn’t see that. Besides the country gardens, all we really had time for was the rose garden which was huge.

What is a kitchen garden?

The Indian garden had a fountain in the middle and channels had water in them, not for walking.

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