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Thermal Lake in Rotorua

Tuesday, 2 January 2007 : Filed under: Rotorua E-Mail This Article

Rotorua Thermal Park
Mineral deposits give this thermal lake its colors – Rotorua, New Zealand.


Comment by josh — January 2, 2007 @ 3:40 am

The day after Christmas we left for Rotorua, a lake and town a few hours drive south-east of Auckland. Rotorua is known for it’s thermal activity. Rotorua is filled with thermal lakes, geysers, and a sulfer smell. The picture above is from a park in the middle of town. There were mud holes, springs, and lakes all through the park, all bubbling hot water and giving off steam.

I will post more from our trip, but only one day at a time.

Comment by dad — January 2, 2007 @ 10:36 am

Glad to see you didn’t fall in and disappear! Looking forward to seeing and hearing more. Does the whole town smell like sulphur? Seems a little different to have that kind of park in the middle of town rather than out in the wilderness somewhere.

Comment by Peg Moore — January 2, 2007 @ 12:43 pm

Beautiful, rich colors! Looking forward to more glimpses. Nice to have you back! :-)

Comment by josh — January 2, 2007 @ 3:01 pm

Beth thought the whole town smelled like sulfer (sulphur?) but I thought it wasn’t that bad. Perhaps I have a higher tolerance for bad smells? It was pretty crazy to find that park as we were walking to downtown, but there was really thermal activity throughout the entire city. You would have liked it, our campground had three hot thermal spas. We also visited a place called Polynesian Spa that had some really nice heated pools to relax in. It was pretty wild. You will see more when I get the photo gallery up from our trip in a few days.

By the way, I am using the MS Wireless notebook mouse you got me. It is AWESOME to have a real mouse after being touchpad only for months.

Comment by Clara — January 2, 2007 @ 7:49 pm

This photo was fun. The hot thermal pools remind me of the paint pots near Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park; however, there aren’t any trees or other vegetation even close to the paint pots.

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