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Thursday, 27 September 2007 : Filed under: North Island E-Mail This Article

Yellow River
Yellow flowers on the banks of a river – South Island East Coast, New Zealand


Comment by josh — September 27, 2007 @ 10:09 pm

These yellow flowers are all over the place, but we haven’t figured out what they are exactly. They add a beautiful contrast to the scenery and I couldn’t pass up posting a photo of them. This is from the banks of a river we camped near somewhere north of Oamaru, on our way from Dunedin to Christchurch.

Here is a photo of our campsite so you can get an idea what an evening is like around here:

Also, we had a quick stop off when we saw a sign pointing us to boulders. We weren’t sure what we would be in store for, but we were treated to a bunch of round boulders… hard to explain so I’ll let a photo do the speaking… you know 1000 words and whatnot.

Comment by dadman — September 28, 2007 @ 1:07 am

I like the yellow flowers. The picture has a different color (palette, maybe?) than most that you post so it grabbed my attention. If you posted a real close up of the flowers maybe I’d help with the ID. ;^) Evening at camp looks pretty nice! Glad to be able to envision you both there. Is that an area where there are lots of man-eating crocodiles in the rivers? And the black boulders are intriguing. Wonder why there are a lot of rocks that shape in that area? Volcanic?

Comment by Kriz — September 28, 2007 @ 8:53 am

My guess for the boulders would be glaciers?

Comment by josh — September 28, 2007 @ 7:15 pm

No idea why the boulders were in that area. There wasn’t much info about them we saw, just a sign pointing us to them.

I’ll see if I can get a close up of the flowers next time I see some.

Comment by Peg Moore — September 30, 2007 @ 3:37 pm

Now, *this* shot (yellow flowers) looks “mystical” to me. Kind of mesmerizing–beautiful. Campsite = fun to envision. Rocks = strange! Girl on rocks = cute! :-) Beth’s getting good at those dramatic poses (e.g., this one and top-o-van one)! :-) XOXOX

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