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Waiheke Island

Wednesday, 20 December 2006 : Filed under: Waiheke E-Mail This Article

Waiheke Island
View from the coastal walk along north-west Waiheke Island – New Zealand


Comment by josh — December 20, 2006 @ 6:53 pm

Sorry it has taken so long to get another picture up. It has been a very busy week, mainly with work and getting things finished up for the holidays.

Last weekend we went to Waiheke Island, just a short ferry ride from Auckland City. We stayed at the Hekerua Lodge, a very nice backpacker’s hostle near Oneroa Bay (as seen on the Waieke Island map). I believe the entire island is about 25km wide.

On Saturday we went on a beautiful coastal walk along the coast from Oneroa bay to Matiatia Bay, where the ferry warf is located. It took about three or four hours. Around every bend was a new bay with a new beautiful view to look at and a new hill to climb.

Sunday we woke up early and went to Stoneyridge Winery for some wine tasting. Waiheke is covered with wineries. The wine isn’t cheap, but it is very good. We sampled a few of their wines while overlooking the vineyards on their outdoor deck. After we finished we stopped by another winery, Te Motu, and then headed back to the lodge.

The lodge was quite cozy, run by a fellow named Mark who is also a DJ. He would go in his office which overlooked the pool and covered porch and spin records for hours with the music blasting throughout the lodge. Pretty good entertainment while we lounged around.

Comment by Clara Hoover — December 20, 2006 @ 11:40 pm

Absolutely gorgous photos! Thanks for describing your weekend.

Comment by jeff — December 21, 2006 @ 8:28 am

Nice Pics! Beautiful hiking! Hope Beth doesn’t think it’s too much work to hang out on that island all day. What’s the deal with the roses? How/why are they used to signify disease? And I’m naturally looking for a closer up shot of the flowers in your Oneroa bay picture. The whole place looks like a real paradise – warm, relaxed, beautiful.

Comment by Peg Moore — December 21, 2006 @ 1:32 pm

Dad was in here with me, and when I came to “Oneroa Bay” (the picture with the purple flowers), out of my mouth came “Wow!” Josh, it’s just gorgeous! Other favorites are the island shot labeled “view from coastal walk 2,” and “cheers” (nice creativity). And I love seeing the vineyard. And Beth by the pool. :-) Is Stoneyridge (I think that’s what your caption said.) where Beth works? And on the scenic overlook of Oneroa Bay, are those pleasure or work-related boats out in the water? Seems kind of different to have them so far out and not moored to a dock. Unless they’re fishing or something. Thanks for all the glimpses into “your world”! XOXOXO

Comment by Peg Moore — December 22, 2006 @ 11:42 am

I don’t know how long the Piha and Muriwai Beach photos have been in the gallery, but I just now discovered them. If they’ve been there awhile, I have no clue how they could’ve escaped me! That tunnel to the waves is pretty amazing–the power of water over time (I assume). And your mention of that one, crashing wave being 40′ high! I like how you cropped Andy out of one of the versions of the pool photo. Nothing against Andy ;-) , just very cool formations, colors, textures, and composition. The beach from the scenic overlook must’ve been breathtaking–just beautiful . . . and kind of . . . mysterious or something (for lack of a better word)–maybe because of the isolated feel, or the haze (?) in the air, or the being so far above it, or the softness and merging of all the whiteness of the waves. Don’t know, but it’s beautiful. Fun to see the foosball shot, and the beach sign is a fun contrast, too. MANY THANKS for sending them all!!! XOXOX Oh, and by the way, I used the slideshow feature. You’d mentioned to Dad setting it at 5 seconds. Ours was pre-set at 7 seconds. (Maybe Dad did that?) Well, I knew I had to bump it to 10, and on the second time around, I bumped it again to 12. :-) Just love looking at all the details! (Surprised? NOT! ;-) )

Comment by josh — December 23, 2006 @ 11:48 pm

Beth hasn’t worked at Stoneyridge… Most of the boats are pleasure boats I believe. They just tie up and hang out in the water.

The Piha and Muriwai beach pics just went up. I have some more I need to add as well from other trips. They will go up eventually.

The picture of the cave through to the water didn’t look in the picture like it really did in real life. In real life there are crazy waves on the other side and you think if you went into the cave you might not come back. Glad you liked the slideshow.

We are about to BBQ on the roof for Christmas. That is the traditional Kiwi Christmas… like our 4th of July.

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