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Hello South Island

Tuesday, 22 May 2007 : Filed under: Marlborough E-Mail This Article

South Island
Our first glimpse of the South Island, through the Marlborough Sounds – New Zealand


Comment by josh — May 22, 2007 @ 6:32 pm

It seemed like we would never get here, but finally, after over seven months in New Zealand (has it been that long?!?) the South Island came into sight. The last hour of the boat ride was really beautiful, as we came in through the Marlborough Sounds, on our way to Picton.

The sounds were beautiful on all sides of us, and I found it quite pleasant standing out on the deck watching the scenery. I was listening to some kiwi music on my iPod (a band called Little Bushman) which seemed to set the mood well.

We cruised into Picton, which is a small port town. Once off the boat, we had a bite to eat at a good little bakery before braving the windy roads to Nelson, about 100km away.

Comment by josh — May 22, 2007 @ 6:38 pm

Here are a couple of Marlborough Sounds photos from the boat:

Marlborough Sounds

Marlborough Sounds

Comment by dad — May 23, 2007 @ 3:27 am

Ah! Glad to get an update! Is it getting cold yet? I’m not sure what to expect of your weather there. I can’t decide which picture here to put on my desktop. So what’s your plan now, to wander south real slowly? Any special destinations you’re looking forward to? Or be more direct to Queenstown? Are you planning to work there like you did in Auckland?

Comment by josh — May 23, 2007 @ 10:54 am

It definitely isn’t “cold” yet. I am beginning to think it wont really get cold unless we are in the mountains. The leaves are changing. Most days are like nice warm fall days – sunny with highs around 15-18 (60-65f).

Our plan is a bit up in the air. We want to get to Queenstown before too long. I have a bit of work I have to get done, and then we want to go on a five day trek through the Abel Tasman, which is just north of here (we are in Nelson). Then maybe a couple days at Golden Bay, and then wander south at a leisurely pace, but not toooo leisurely.

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