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Back in Dunedin

Wednesday, 26 September 2007 : Filed under: Otago E-Mail This Article

Flowers in front of the Dunedin Train Station
Flowers in front of Dunedin’s historic train station – Dunedin, New Zealand


Comment by josh — September 26, 2007 @ 10:51 pm

After a great week in the Catlins, Beth and I headed north to Dunedin, where Jon and I had been just a few weeks before. The main difference was that this time it was sunny. When Jon and I visited they had been having their worst rain storms in years.

The photo above is from the front of the historic Dunedin train station, looking across the street at some unknown building. The train station was built in 1909 and is supposedly the second most photographed building in the southern hemisphere. We assume the Sydney Opera House is the first. There were literally 5000 Asian tourists snapping photos of the train station, so I chose to shoot in another direction.

Beth insisted we head back to the Cadbury factory for a tour, and mainly to feed her never ending chocolate fix. They handed out even less free chocolate this time than when I went with Jon, but we made sure to buy a bunch in the shop before we left. Their chocolate is great.

We also hit up the Speights brewery tour again. I wont go into the details for a second time, but I did manage to get some photos this go round. Below is a picture of their copper brewing vessels. These are unique because not many breweries still use copper vessels, as stainless steel costs less and holds up better. Copper looks cool and perhaps adds a mystical quality to the body of the beer being brewed.

Speights copper brewing vessels

Comment by Peg Moore — September 30, 2007 @ 3:32 pm

How did I miss this post?! The flowers in the top photo are so colorful and vivid. And, yes, the copper! What a cool look. I like your “mystical” word. Just got back in town and am reading the posts for the first time since early Fri. (almost 3 days ago). Looking forward to seeing the other posts since this one! XOXOX

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