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Flooded Otago Peninsula

Saturday, 4 August 2007 : Filed under: Otago E-Mail This Article

Flooded Otago Peninsula
Otago Peninsula under water during heavey rainfall – Dunedin, New Zealand


Comment by josh — August 4, 2007 @ 11:27 pm

Jon and I packed the van and headed east towards our first stop, Dunedin. Dunedin is a university town on the east coast of New Zealand’s south island. From the moment we arrived, it was pouring rain. We later found out that it was the worst rain that area had seen in several years. Lucky us.

We stuck to mostly indoor activities in Dunedin. We toured the Cadbury chocolate factory, where we sampled lots of chocolate and saw how various Cadbury products are made. They also showed us a chocolate waterfall consisting of one ton of liquid chocolate dropping several stories.

We also toured the Speights brewery, one of New Zealand’s oldest breweries. It i and brewer of New Zealand’s most popular beer. It is one of only a couple of breweries left using copper tanks and using gravity to move the beer between brewing stages (ingredients go in on the top floor, then piped down through each brewing stage).

The next day we headed out to the Otago Peninsula, which is accessed just south of Dunedin. The island is home to an albatross colony, and some penguins we planned to check out. However, when we got there the peninsula looked like the photo above. We spent a couple of hours driving in heavy rain, crossing flooded roads, and avoiding trees in the road before deciding we should head back to town.

Comment by Clara — August 6, 2007 @ 3:12 pm

You might be surprised to know it was much foggier than this in Omaha this morning. At 7:30 a.m. the temperature was 75 and the humidity 97%.

I’m reading about Otago Peninsula in my NZ travel book. I’m sorry you weren’t able to see more of the tourist things, for example, the albatrosses. Cadbury chocolates sound tasty!

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