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Four Days of Fun

Friday, 27 July 2007 : Filed under: Otago E-Mail This Article

Beth on the Snowboard
Beth getting ready to ride through birthday snow on Coronet Peak – Queenstown, New Zealand


Comment by josh — July 27, 2007 @ 11:44 am

Three days after my birthday, comes Beth’s. We have decided instead of celebrating both our birthdays, we should just have a non-stop, four day celebration. I have named it Four Days of Fun.

Luckily the snow stuck around for Beth’s birthday. A warm front is coming through now and melting most of it. Anyways, we had a blast on the mountain, and then went into town for some good pizza that Beth has been wanting to try.

Comment by josh — July 27, 2007 @ 11:47 am

Jon also made an appearance:

Comment by Louise — July 28, 2007 @ 1:12 am

I think that I must have come from a totally different gene pool or something! I don’t like to be out in snow all that much. Well, I like it but I want to know I can go inside in five minutes if I want! But, seeing your photos of Beth and Jon is so fun. I’ve only seen snowboarding on TV with strangers, but I know you guys so it is more personal. How fun! And, Happy Birthday, Beth! I hope next year all of you can come to Iowa for Katie’s and Joe’s wedding and have six days of fun! Well, maybe you can’t stay that long in Iowa, but…still six days!

Comment by dadman — July 28, 2007 @ 4:31 am

Great! Four Days of Fun sounds FUN!! ;^) Looks like you are having a great time. What was the pizza like – sounds like it must have had some special attraction – or maybe you just hadn’t had pizza in a long time. Jon seems to be doing ok with his ribs – at least until someone crashes into him again… So glad you 3 are enjoying your time together!! makes me happy!
I’ve been wandering around the lakes area to find good places to sit and read in the morning and watch birds and plants and landscape. Beautiful view of pheasants out on a hillside this morning. Wish I had taken a picture. Last night we ate at a new (?) Mexican restaurant up here. Very good food at a good price. I talked to the lady who looked like she was in charge and asked if she was the boss, she said “No. I’m just the one who works the most.” ;^) She’s from Mexico and said she’s trying to help people here learn what authentic mexican food tastes like. And no, I did not ask if she was an illegal immigrant.

Comment by Peg Moore — July 28, 2007 @ 6:48 am

Wow! Wonderful photo of Beth! Both in a photographic sense and in a Beautiful Beth sense! Love that smile under those goggles! :-) And how fun that the snow was still there for her birthday. I love the Four Days of Fun concept for you two–from the 21st to 24th! And I like Louise’s Six Days next summer idea!!! Glad you included the photo of Jon. Way to go, Gunder! You look awesome! :-) XOXOXOX

Comment by Claire — July 28, 2007 @ 10:05 am

Awww, I love Beth’s snowy birthday picture! And I’m not exactly sure what Jon is pointing at, but I love that picture too!

Comment by josh — July 28, 2007 @ 11:51 am

Pizza was just a place Beth had been wanting to try. It was good. We actually had a Mexican Pizza. Forget what was on it. Beans for sure.

Comment by Kriz — August 1, 2007 @ 9:16 am

4 days of fun! Go Bethany! Oh and happy birthday to Josh as well. :P

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