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Hello Queenstown

Monday, 11 June 2007 : Filed under: Otago E-Mail This Article

The Southern Alps across Lake Wakatipu – Queenstown, New Zealand


Comment by josh — June 11, 2007 @ 11:38 pm

We finally made it to Queenstown, a cute little resort city situated in the mountains on Lake Wakatipu. Queenstown is the center for snow activities in New Zealand. There are two big ski resorts just outside of town (Coronet Peak and The Remarkables), and a couple more not too far away. There are also a lot of “extreme” type activities like sky diving, speed boats, bungy jumping, rafting etc. QT is actually the home of the first ever bungy jump, and there are several jumps around town.

We didn’t think the ski fields were going to open for another couple of weeks, but Coronet Peak opened yesterday. We picked up our season passes (Good for both places in QT and a couple other places on the South Island) from the NZ Ski office, and were on the mountain snowboarding this morning. It was great to be outside and on the snow. Only a couple of runs were open, but it was fun to be out with all the other people anxious to get on the mountain.

Both Beth and I have skied for a long time, but today was her first day ever on a board and only about my fifth. Things went reasonably well and we hope to get out again soon.

Right now we are trying to find a place to stay, but it is proving rather difficult. There are a ton of people in town all looking for housing and jobs. We are just going to enjoy the city and the slopes while we can, and hope something works out sooner rather than later.

Comment by Clara — June 12, 2007 @ 11:34 am

This town and area sound neat. The skiing and snowboarding sound like fun–but not for me personally. I’d probably require lots of medical attention after one pass. Good luck in finding a place to stay. In the meantime, enjoy the slopes.

Comment by josh — June 12, 2007 @ 11:37 am

Hehe, Bethany is rather sore this morning :) .

Comment by Clara — June 12, 2007 @ 3:13 pm

I feel her pain.

Comment by dad — June 12, 2007 @ 5:17 pm

The Southern Alps! Wow! You’re there!!

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