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Lake Wanaka from Trebble Cone

Saturday, 28 July 2007 : Filed under: Otago E-Mail This Article

Lake Wanaka from Trebble Cone
View of Lake Wanaka from Trebble Cone ski field – Wanaka, New Zealand


Comment by josh — July 28, 2007 @ 11:48 am

The other day, my mate Tim wanted to give Treble Cone a go. Treble Cone is the largest ski field in New Zealand, located just outside of Wanaka, about an hour and a half drive from Queenstown.

The snow was good, and the mountain was huge. We spent the whole day riding new runs, and getting stuck in moguls. The mountain seemed to cater mostly to skiers, so the majority of the trails were mogul runs, which are hard to maneuver around on a snowboard. Still fun, but a lot of work.

One of the best things about Treble Cone was the amazing views of Lake Wanaka shown above.

Today Jon and I are setting out on a bit of a road trip heading to Dunedin and then hopefully Stewart Island. I imagine it will be cold. See you in a few days.

Comment by Claire — July 29, 2007 @ 9:11 am

Those clouds are beautiful! Hope you and Jon have fun in Dunedin!

Comment by josh — July 29, 2007 @ 7:07 pm

In Dunedin now. It is raining the worst they have had all year. Went driving on a road today that was almost under water.

We were going to go to Stewart Island, but we have heard the ferry can be really rough and just saw there is a gale force wind advisory.

Comment by Clara — July 31, 2007 @ 3:51 am

I really like this photo. It contrasts the calm, deep blue of the lake with the irregular, brown shapes of the hills/mountains. The white clouds and blue sky add to the beauty of the picture. Enjoy your trip to Stewart Island. Yes, you’ll be colder, but the latitude is about the same as Seattle. Maybe winds come from the Antarctic, whereas Seattle gets warm currents from the Pacific. Have fun. We’ll be interested in your next postings.

Comment by dadman — August 2, 2007 @ 12:52 am

Bummer! too bad about the wind and not getting to go on the ferry!! Beautiful picture! Nice job!

Comment by Josh — August 2, 2007 @ 1:42 pm

We did make the ferry. The high winds were a couple of days before we planned to take it. They died down and the crossing wasn’t bad, although the ferry was small so you could really feel every wave.

Writing from Stewart Island now. We are sitting waiting to catch our ferry back to the mainland in a couple of hours.

Comment by Clara — August 2, 2007 @ 2:30 pm

How was the walking/hiking on Stewart Island? Jon’s description was wonderful and I tried to respond but am having trouble with by blog password, so I just e-mailed him. Are you worn out? Are you anxious to get back to Queenstown?

Comment by Clara — August 2, 2007 @ 2:35 pm

I’m looking at the pages on Stewart Island in my NZ travel book. What track did you take? How long did you walk? And how many people live on the island? My book says Oban is the only settlement on the island; however, there seem to be tourist attractions at other places.

Comment by josh — August 4, 2007 @ 11:12 pm

More on Stewart Island later!

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