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Lake Wanaka

Sunday, 10 June 2007 : Filed under: Otago E-Mail This Article

Lake Wanaka
Early morning view accross Lake Wanaka – Wanaka, New Zealand


Comment by josh — June 10, 2007 @ 2:23 pm

Wanaka (Wah-Nah-Kah) is a small ski bum town about an hour north of Queenstown. We stayed overnight as our final stop before settling into QT for the ski season. The drive from the west coast to Wanaka was beautiful through the mountains, and without too much uphill. It was mostly through valleys and along lakes, which the van appreciated.

Wanaka feels pretty relaxed, with the town situated on a nice lake shown above. There is some type of bird sitting in the tree in the photo. I think it is some type of heron or something.

NZ’s biggest ski field, Trebble Cone, is located near Wanaka, and Cardrona (another ski field) is located between Wanaka and Queenstown. The city is full of young people waiting for the ski season to open.

Comment by Clara — June 11, 2007 @ 1:11 am

Breathtaking! I’m wondering how cold it is. There’s no ice on the lake, but there will be in the mountains. June there must be like our December. Sometimes it’s not cold, sometimes cold and sometimes REALLY cold. Perhaps the same on South Island. I’d assume since you’re much further from the equator than we are that you’d be colder; however, that’s probably not true. Other factors may contribute to a milder climate. Enjoy Queenstown and the mountains.

Comment by Doug — June 11, 2007 @ 5:30 am

Josh, I walked by that tree every evening while living in Wanaka. Not really sure why I was so connected to that tree, but it is wild that you happened to catch it in that picture. Hope you are enjoying NZ! When you travels bring you home, we should catch up, how many years has it been?

Comment by josh — June 11, 2007 @ 8:58 am

I think the south Island is about as far from the equator as Michigan. The highs are around 6C (so something like 43F).

Comment by josh — June 11, 2007 @ 8:59 am

Hey Doug, good to hear from you. That is pretty wild that I posted the same tree you saw every evening. We should definately catch up. Maybe we will be in Colorado some time.

Comment by Clara — June 11, 2007 @ 10:04 am

Yes, I looked at a map this afternoon and see that NZ is about the same distance from the equator is are Nebraska and Michigan.

Comment by Peg Moore — June 11, 2007 @ 11:06 am

I am in awe . . . of you, your photography, your stories, New Zealand . . . . Today’s photo is just stunning. And . . . which Doug are you out there? Davis? As in Dougie Davis?! :-) If so, HELLO!!! We’ve heard fun things about you! XOXOX to both you and Josh!

Comment by jeremi clark — June 11, 2007 @ 11:41 am

Josh (or Bethany, whomever took the picture) have you thought about being a professional photographer or maybe make a NZ book? The pictures are very good. Each time you post a new picture it is just amazing. I am not kissing up, I am being serious! :)

Comment by josh — June 11, 2007 @ 4:45 pm

Glad you liked it Mom. That was indeed Doug Davis. I sent him the link because he did a winter in Wanaka a year or two ago skiing.

Thanks a lot Jeremi. Making a book or something would be sweet, but I don’t know who would buy it. There are lots of those already. The scenery around here is so beautiful, it does all the work. I just press the button.

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