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Queenstown Winter Festival

Tuesday, 26 June 2007 : Filed under: Otago E-Mail This Article

Winter Festival
dDub on stage at the “Lindauer Queenstown Winter Festival” – Queenstown, New Zealand


Comment by josh — June 26, 2007 @ 7:44 pm

Every year, Queenstown hosts the Winter Festival to kick off the winter season. It lasts for a week and features all kinds of entertainment and events. The festival was supposed to kick off Saturday, but bad weather and icy roads shut down the roads into Queenstown. The opening fireworks ceremony was pushed back to Tuesday (last night).

Pictured above is New Zealand act dDub performing on the main stage. for more information. Basically there is all this stuff going on outside and it’s fun, but everyone is really cold.

I thought the laser from the show looked pretty cool in the photograph. Also, I am hoping the fog in the photo brings feelings of coldness to you, because it was pretty cold. I find it quite funny actually, because Beth has never experienced a real winter, just NC winters. She is always talking about how cold it is and how freezing she is every minute, but it hasn’t even gotten much below zero (Celcius!). She has no idea what she is in store for. I don’t even think the Kiwi winter here is going to be that bad, and we are in one of the coldest towns in New Zealand. Lucky for us there are lots of pubs around with warm fires and mulled (hot) wine to keep us warm.

Comment by Kriz — June 27, 2007 @ 6:40 am

Get that girl some long underwear!

Comment by Peg Moore — June 27, 2007 @ 6:44 am

Mmmmm, I just love the descriptions! Fog, cold Beth, and more. OH! And the pubs with warm fires and mulled (hot) wine. Great imagery, Josh! Mmmmmm, yum! XOXOX (BTW it’s SE Michigan weather–very rainy and *very* overcast–right now as I look out Dad’s office window. 1:45 p.m. I’m loving it! (Of course. ;-) )

Comment by Peg Moore — June 27, 2007 @ 6:45 am

I should’ve proofread my post before sending. I meant “Fog, cold, Beth, and more” . . . not “cold Beth”! Certainly don’t want to relish her discomfort!

Comment by dad — June 27, 2007 @ 8:15 am

Beth! I thought you had Chicago roots! It gets COLD there!

Comment by Clara — June 27, 2007 @ 11:55 am

I like the green laser light and the idea of the winter festival. The whole thing sounds like fun. Beth would not enjoy the coldest parts of winters in Iowa, Nebraska and Michigan. One of the best things I’ve purchased in the last couple of years has been SmartWool socks. If you can find some, they would keep Beth’s feet warm. SmartWool is a brand. It’s on the Internet. And I guess they make more than just socks.

Comment by Peg Moore — June 27, 2007 @ 5:04 pm

Want us to send some Smartwool sox with Jon? I see on the Smartwool site that Gander Mountain in West Oaks (across from Twelve Oaks in Novi) carries them. Or maybe somewhere near you sells them. Or maybe Beth’s already got something similar and her toes still just won’t adjust. Reminds me of Amy Moore, moving with Randy from Arkansas to Minnesota. Minnesota weathers make Michigan’s seem mild! Even Iowa’s and Nebraska’s do!

Comment by josh — June 28, 2007 @ 12:00 pm

Any warm gear that you sent would certainly be appreciated. lol at you forgetting the comma b/w cold and Beth and then pointing it out. That’s pretty funny when read that way.

Comment by beth — June 29, 2007 @ 12:02 am

Its quite cold here in QT for me. I have Chicago & SD roots but I think I’ve probably only been up there for xmas about 3 or 4 times, and its only for a week max. Anything is tolerable for a week! hehe. NO, Im kind of a wuss when it comes to the cold. HOwever, I have “mi woolies”, a really nice pair of wool boots mum bought me before she left. They are soft leather on the outside and soft wool on the inside, and I wear them all the time (especially whilst inside:). I have some long underwear too that I wear pretty much 24/7. Unless its being washed.

Comment by Peg Moore — June 29, 2007 @ 7:28 pm

Awwww, fun “hearing your voice,” Beth! And your “mi woolies” and “mum” kiwi “accent” and your quiet “unless it’s being washed” humor. ;-) Must head to bed. It’s 2:30 here, and tomorrow’s “mi workday.” ;-) XOXOX G’night!

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