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Winter Arrives in Queenstown

Wednesday, 20 June 2007 : Filed under: Otago E-Mail This Article

A Queenstown Winter
Queenstown from accross the lake on the first day of winter – Queenstown, New Zealand


Comment by Clara — June 21, 2007 @ 1:04 am

How pretty! This almost looks like a Thomas Kinkade painting–the darkness with the mist and the points of light in the windows–offset by the snow on the beach/shore. It’s officially the first day on winter in NZ and the first day of summer here.

Comment by josh — June 21, 2007 @ 1:29 am

It may be hard for you to imagine an inch of snow as you sit in the summer heat on the other side of the globe, but that’s what we got here on the first day of winter. The snow actually came as a surprise, and from what I gather, they generally only get a day or two of snowfall like this per year. Of course there is more in the mountains, but the actual town doesn’t get that much snow. This was evident when I drove around. The kiwi drivers are much like the North Carolina drivers in the snow.
Today was a pretty crazy day. Beth and I had been looking for a permanent place to stay, and Beth had been looking for a job both for a couple of weeks now. It has been pretty frustrating, looking at place after place and turning in resumes everywhere. Every apartment had 20 other people looking at it, and every job said to try back in a couple of weeks when the season really kicks in. Anyways after what seemed like ages of futility, we got a nice apartment on the lake and Beth got a job at the cinema, both within a couple of hours of each other. Today I moved us in at the same time Beth started her first day of work.

An hour later, the snow fall began. I decided I should get out to the store and get some things before the roads got too bad. The drive to the store is about five minutes. After I finished my shopping, there was about an inch of snowfall and the drive home took two hours.

It doesn’t help that they don’t believe in salting the roads in New Zealand. Nope, that is bad for the roads apparently. They have no problem using tire chains instead. This doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, but I went and got the van outfitted with some chains nonetheless. With the first day of good snow, I wanted to be sure to be able to get up the mountain tomorrow to get in some snowboarding. It should be an interesting trip.

We heard that today it was pretty crazy up at Coronet Peak. A few inches came in the afternoon, and no one was prepared to drive down in it. Most people hadn’t gotten chains yet, and the winding, steep mountain road took hours for some to get down.

Comment by Clara — June 21, 2007 @ 4:33 am

Great news! I’m glad you’ve found a place to live and are moved in AND that Beth has a job. I’m a little confused when you said that your apartment and Beth’s job are “both within a couple of hours of each other.” Did you mean to say “hours”? The apartment on the lake sounds wonderful. Your description of driving in snow is what I think happens in many southern US cities that seldom have snow. People don’t know how to cope with it. By the way, Grandpa Deane was excited to receive your postcard last week. It’s nice that you sent it to him.

Comment by josh — June 21, 2007 @ 8:33 am

What I meant was, we got the appartment, and then 2 hours later Beth got a call about the job. Work is about a 10 minute stroll through the park from our place.

Comment by Peg Moore — June 21, 2007 @ 12:01 pm

What an awesome photo. Just beautiful. I agree with Clara about the combination of dark and light, mist and snow. Kind of magical looking. And to think you’re living there. Congrats on the housing (on the lake!) and job. Nice. Very, very nice. Of course, not the “street beating” part. Ugh, that would be crummy. But what rewarding outcomes! And . . . if your Kiwis aren’t going to do salt, then this mom’s glad you wasted no time getting on those chains. Soak in some snow and chill for me! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. XOXOX

Comment by dad — June 21, 2007 @ 12:20 pm

I don’t envy the cold and snow and chains a bit! ;^) I’m enjoying hot and sun. Glad you got a place. So is Beth a ticket-taker or sound engineer or what? hope she likes it. A place on the lake sounds nice. What’s the view like?

Comment by Clara — June 21, 2007 @ 12:39 pm

And I’m glad you clarified about the “two hours.”

Comment by Louise — June 21, 2007 @ 3:29 pm

Hi Josh. I’m anxious, also, to know what Beth’s job is. Maybe she’s the official popcorn taster! Do they serve popcorn at the movies over there?

Katie, Joe, Bill and I were just in Europe for two weeks. I felt like all of the scenery we were seeing was pretty great. Now, looking at the beautiful and interesting photos you are putting on the web, I cannot imagine a *whole year* of the beautiful sights you are experiencing and all of the other experiences. It will be interesting to see if, when you get back to the states if it will seem like dulls-ville, or if it will be a nice change of pace. I’m glad you are having such a good time.

Has anyone mentioned to you that Katie got engaged to Joe? At Trevi Fountain in Rome, Joe got down on one knee and asked Katie to marry him. I took pictures. Hard to believe, I know!

Comment by josh — June 23, 2007 @ 1:09 am

Beth does a bit of everything. She makes popcorn and coffee and ice cream, she sells tickets, cleans the theatres after a movie (which she doesn’t fancy), and probably does other stuff I don’t know about. The other day I went in and ordered a coffee so she would have to make it for me :) . The coffee here is mostly all espresso drinks. It was a bit weird at first cause I didn’t know what was what, but now I rather like it. I generally order a long black, which is a shot or two of espresso and some water.

I had heard through the grapevine about Katie and Joe. That is exciting for her, and fun to do it in Rome. I can’t believe he did it while you guys were watching. haha.

Comment by dad — June 24, 2007 @ 5:26 pm

have you seen this nice map and satellite pics of NZ? It’s in the google ads at the side of your blog. don’t know if you see those or not. Pretty nice.,171.496&zm=6&mt=map&gclid=CJ7825q29owCFR6AWAodgXnXDQ

Dad, writing on Mom’s dime

Comment by andi — June 25, 2007 @ 4:01 am

Looks really nice josh wish i could come again. But i guess doesnt work for the time. The apartment and beths job sounds good dude. tell me how was the snowboarding trip. Have still aa nice time and say hello from me to beth. Miss you guys and keep an eye on Zealandia

Comment by josh — June 25, 2007 @ 5:42 pm

Hey Andy,
Zealandia misses you driving her to her maximum potential. She doesn’t put out quite the same horsepower without you around.

Comment by josh — June 25, 2007 @ 5:43 pm

Hey Dad,
Hadn’t seen that link. Thanks for pointing it out. Looks like it is basically just Google maps in an iFrame? I have been thinking I should figure out a way to integrate Google Earth with some of my posts. That would be cool.

Comment by dad — June 26, 2007 @ 2:24 am

Not sure what an iFrame is. ;^) But my google earth has lousy satellite pics of NZ. This has very nice ones. Which I had been hoping to find.

Comment by beth — June 29, 2007 @ 12:11 am

I get to make lots of popcorn as a cinema worker. But I cant eat any! What a jip! I also make icecreams but mine always end up looking a bit funny or lopsided. I have to clean the theatres sometimes too. The upside is that I can see movies for free! And once a week so can josh if he comes with me.

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