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Back in the Catlins

Friday, 21 September 2007 : Filed under: Southland E-Mail This Article

Sheep on road
Traffic jam in the Catlins – Southland, New Zealand


Comment by josh — September 21, 2007 @ 8:34 pm

Upon entering the Catlins on our way to Waipapa Point, we encountered a herd of sheep slowing traffic, being corralled down the road by a clever sheep dog. Waipapa Point is the site of the worst maritime disaster in New Zealand history (that means a real bad ship wreck back in the day). It is also the site of the southern-most lighthouse in the world.

It is refreshing to leave Queenstown and get back on the road. The Catlins have been great. It is basically just us, farmland, and awesome surf beaches with epic waves. It is far too cold to surf, although we have seen some crazy Kiwis trying.

It is lambing season, so all the fields have not only big sheep, but little ones bounding around. Beth was not impressed when we saw the pickup truck piled full with ones already “lambed.”

I am typing this now from the back of the van. I can get internet just about anywhere, although the Catlins was a bit like no mans land as far as that is concerned. It is awesome just to be free on the open road, and camp in the wild wherever we find a beautiful spot.

Waipapa Point
World’s southern-most lighthouse at Waipapa Point

Comment by Clara — September 22, 2007 @ 2:31 am

I found you on my map. These photos give a good feeling of the area. I love the flock of sheep together on the road contrasted with a lot of other sheep scattered on the green hill. The lighthouse is neat, too. I found a little information in my NZ book. In 1881 a ship ran into a hidden reef, and 131 people died. I’m amazed that Internet access is so widespread. It’s all wireless? Keep on rolling.

Comment by dadman — September 22, 2007 @ 5:23 am

Nice pics. Is that the same place you and Jon went? How cool to travel and camp and enjoy the scenery!!!

Comment by brohan — September 22, 2007 @ 5:53 am

How’re the Catlains the second time around? Revisiting anywhere/seeing new places?

Comment by josh — September 22, 2007 @ 12:35 pm

I didn’t actually have internet in the Catlins. We are just north of there now and I have access again. It is wireless. I have a monthly account with the mobile provider so I can get wireless anywhere there is mobile signal.

Jon and I were in the Catlins, but not at these perticular places.

Comment by josh — September 23, 2007 @ 5:54 pm

Great the second time around. We got to spend a bit more time and camp in the van, which is better than backpackers I think. Got to see lots of new stuff. Check out the posts over the next couple of days.

Comment by jeremi clark — September 25, 2007 @ 11:34 am

Josh (and Bethany) I love all of these new pictures. Especially the sheep. We should have taken Kaya down there. :) I bet Bethany was upset by the “lambed” lambs. That would bother me too. Are you guys going to do this website for Australia too?

Comment by josh — September 25, 2007 @ 2:17 pm

Hi Jeremi. I had hoped you would see this one. It is fun to watch the sheep dogs around here. Quite often you see them riding on 4 wheelers, side by side with the farmers.

We will for sure keep the website up and going for Australia. I plan to keep it going even if I am back in the states, but probably wont post nearly as often – just when I get some good photo ops.

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