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Snake Eats Frog

Thursday, 9 April 2009 : Filed under: Thailand E-Mail This Article

Snake Eats Frog

A wild snake eating a frog – Ko Phangan, Thailand

EXIF Information

  • ExposureProgram: Aperture Priority
  • ExposureTime: 1/30 sec
  • FNumber: f/9
  • Flash: No Flash
  • FocalLength: 55 mm
  • ISOSpeedRatings: 800


Comment by josh — April 9, 2009 @ 4:57 pm

On a walk through the jungle we were startled by a long green snake near the path. Then noticed it was working on sucking down a frog. I’ve got a couple more photos on my computer, but not with mere here at the internet cafe. I will try to post them soon.

Comment by josh — April 9, 2009 @ 5:01 pm

after consulting the internet, this must be a Whip Snake (Colubrinae Ahaetulla)

Comment by Peg — April 9, 2009 @ 5:17 pm

WOW! Imagine my surprise when, just before turning off the monitor, I checked your site (for the umteenth time today :-) ) and saw another post! They usually come in late at night here–lucky me, I’m the first to see them! :-) :-) :-)

AND to add to my surprise! A photo of a snake eating a frog! You could’ve placed good money on a bet that I’d zip to that link to see if these snakes are poisonous or not! They may not be, but they’re still a tad creepy. Still, WHAT A COOL PHOTO!!! AWESOME CAPTURE, JOSH!!! Thanks for posting! Dad’ll be excited!

Comment by Peg — April 9, 2009 @ 5:19 pm

Jungle? Details, please! Were you on your own or guided? Probably on your own. How’d you know it was safe? Listen to me–what a mom! ;-)

Looking forward to the other snake-eats-frog photos!

Comment by Peg — April 9, 2009 @ 5:28 pm

I suppose you don’t have cell phones with you, right? Like . . . just like your U.S. ones wouldn’t have worked in NZ, your Australian ones (if you had them) wouldn’t work in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, etc.? What *would* one do if he/she somehow tangled with an *un*friendly creature? Hahaha! Don’t stop telling me what you’re doing, even if I get a little squeamish/fidgety! ;-) I don’t want to miss the fun and adventure! I’m excited for you! XOXOX

Comment by Peg — April 9, 2009 @ 5:32 pm

So . . . is that one, long frog leg? Pretty wild.

Comment by dadman — April 10, 2009 @ 3:11 am

Wow! Now that’s a nature pic! Glad the snake isn’t some deadly poisonous one.

I’ll be watching for more jungle pics. Sounds very interesting!!

Comment by josh — April 10, 2009 @ 3:45 am

Come to think of it, maybe it wasn’t a frog. Maybe it was a skink? I forget exactly. We were in the jungle on the way to find a waterfall. The waterfall didn’t end up being *that* impressive, but the snake was cool.

When I say “jungle” it basically is to tropical places what “woods” would be to Michigan, or “bush” to Australia. The term jungle sounds exotic, but it doesn’t necessarily mean we are out in the middle of the Amazon.

If I had been bitten by a venomous snake we would have had to find someone quickly to get me to the nearby hospital. In a situation like that it is best to stay still and let help come to you rather than try to run or something. That only makes the venom work more quickly through your blood. At least that’s what I’ve heard.

King Cobras apparently live natively in Thailand. I haven’t seen any. They are huge.

No we don’t have a mobile phone. We could have gotten one, but it sounded like a pain. Different SIM cards for each country, or roaming charges etc. It would make some things a lot easier, but we couldn’t be bothered. I do miss my iPhone.

Comment by josh — April 10, 2009 @ 3:48 am

Here’s the additional photos.



Comment by dadman — April 10, 2009 @ 11:49 am

Wow! That is a great picture where you see the snake all wrapped around the branch/vine!! Love it!

I did see someone chase and catch a king cobra in a tea field in India somewhere (on the discovery channel). One of those things that looks easy enough on tv that you think “I bet I could do that” until you really think about it. Then you think “I would be like the workers in the field who dropped everything and ran every which way as fast as they could.” that’s more like it.

You should stop to take a picture if you see one, though.

Comment by Peg — April 10, 2009 @ 1:44 pm

Haven’t read the text yet, but WOW, THAT DUDE IS ***LONG***!!!

Comment by Peg — April 10, 2009 @ 2:02 pm

Ah, yes, skink would make more sense. Like I know what a skink is! But Google does. :-) Definitely looks more like what was in the snake’s mouth.

Even a non-poisonous snake like that would give me major heebie jeebies slithering down a tree limb and onto my shoulder!

Helpful description of “jungle.” Makes sense. In fact, today I was at the Ridge Road house while a couple guys from the Michigan Vets came and took a truckload of stuff mostly Joe’s that he didn’t want) away. They were excited to be out of the city and in the “country.” And especially excited, when I told them about the woods, at the thought of seeing the stream. A little later, they were talking to each other about going out to the “forest.” Glad to know you weren’t in need of machetes. I *did* have visions of the Humphrey Bogart movie, “African Queen,” and the Congo!

Not especially reassured by the “if I had been bitten by a venomous snake” possibilities. Or the native King Cobras. You just inserted those lines to get a reaction out of me, didn’t you?!? JK :-) As Nanna would quote (from a different movie): “Que sera sera.” (”What will be will be.”) I started getting that drift . . . oh . . . maybe about 29 years ago? :-) LOVE YOU!!! EXCITED FOR YOU AND BETH!!! :-)

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